Professor Grey

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A handsome man with wheat blonde hair and golden-blue tinged eyes, walked down the hallways of the Central Academy attracting the eyes of students and teachers alike, splitting the incoming sea of students into two, at his sides. His gait was steady, his posture perfectly upright. The expression on his face the Epitome of calm, like completely still water. Each of his steps expressing a subtle yet unshakeable confidence and dignity, fit enough for a king.

The man walking down this hallway was Professor Grey, the hottest topic of Central Academy in every sense of the word. He was the new Professor of Melee Enhancement Tactics this semester and coupled with his dashing good looks and mysterious background, he accrued quite a following in his few short weeks at the academy.

The female students passing by glanced at his figure before hurriedly looking away as if embarrassed and the Professor who continued his steady stride as if this was the most natural thing in the world. Honestly, it made quite a surreal impression to the regular passer-by.

At that moment, a gentle voice called out to Grey and his expression finally showed a subtle change...



"Grey!" A gentle voice called out to me in the hallways, turning my head I saw Caera's figure making her way towards me and I slowed my pace to let her catch up before turning my head back into the direction of my class.

Hearing her hurried footsteps as she made her way to catch up to me, I heard an intermittent sigh as she finally reached my side. "Hey Grey, isn't it rude to not accompany a Lady when she calls out to you"

"Since when were you a Lady, Caera?" I said facing her with a mocking, incredulous expression on my face. Immediately, I saw a vein pop in her forehead and knew I had made a mistake.

I let out a soft smile in an attempt to appease her Rage, and softly patted her back. "Alright, Alright maybe next time, I'll wait for you to catch up"

"You say that every morning Grey! Aughhh!" Rolling her eyes at me, she stepped on the heel of my shoe almost causing me to stumble to the ground, before I briefly caught myself.

I shook my head and gave her the side-eye. "It's a bad habit of yours to always resort to violence, you know?"

She scoffed at me, as if I said something ridiculous. "You? Violence? You wouldn't even learn your lesson, even if I beat it into you day and night, not that you would enjoy it any less masochistic bastard." She muttered the last part to herself in a voice she thought I couldn't hear.

"Hey, what do you mean masochistic bastard?! I just like to test the limits of my body you know. You should know it's importance as an Ascender yourself!" I said so feeling wronged by her slander.

"As if! That's just masochism with extra steps! Atleast I don't jump into the mouth of a Mana Beast, in the name of training!" Caera huffed before crossing her arms to end the conversation there.

I rolled my eyes, she just doesn't understand the meaning of true training. It can't be considered training unless you beat yourself to an inch of your life. She should know that.

I shook my head, "You seem a bit tense today, you're alot more hot headed than usual."

"You're a lot more annoying than usual too." She rolled her eyes back at me in response.

Racking my head to find away to appease her, I had a bright idea as I noticed my classroom fast approaching. "Tell you what, I'll treat you to your favorite cafe later, okay?"

"You need to do a lot better than that, Grey" She turned her head away as if she didn't want to look at me.

I let out a small grin. "You aren't saying no though?"

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