Chapter 38: Road Trip

Start from the beginning

"We made a deal," Viktor said, "he's gonna give back Five's briefcase, then we're gonna get out of this timeline."

Klaus clapped, "Oh, thank God!"

"That's a rookie move. Dudes playing you," Diego said.

"Oh really?" Viktor asked.

"Honestly Diego. Not everyone is like you," I said.

Diego glared at me, "We can use this. And we can turn it back on them and then we wipe them the hell out."

Viktor groaned, "Diego, please stop. And you're not gonna, like, do anything today."

"Except bond with your spawn," Klaus said almost causing me to spit out my water.

"Alleged spawn," Diego said.

"I will get the briefcase, Viktor said, "and then we will all go back and fix the timeline."

"Hey, we're not going anywhere. This is a perfectly acceptable timeline," Five said.

"Yeah? Why don't you go tell that to Allison who's upstairs grieving her daughter, who doesn't even exist here!" Viktor snapped.

"Not to mention we've been replaced by a bunch of blobs and cubes and birds and shit!" Diego complained.

"News flash Geniuses! It's not about us!" Five said, "Take a look around. If you hadn't noticed, there's no doomsday, there's no apocalypse. The sun is shining. Birds are doing whatever the hell birds do. That's all that matters. We are done messing with time. And I'm officially retired."

He picked up his glass and walked towards the food.

Klaus sniffed as he walked away, "Is he wearing after shave? I'm concerned..."

"Y/N, would you please talk to him? He'll listen to you," Viktor pleaded.

"I'm sorry, V. I actually agree with him on this one," I said.

He sighed as I got up and walked over to the buffet where Five was.

"Hey, Love," he smiled before kissing my cheek, "Hungry?'

"Always," I laughed.

He handed me his empty plate and got another one for himself.

"So... retirement?" I said as I grabbed some pancakes.

He nodded, "It's time. I'm done having to worry about saving the world. Now, I get to spend the rest of my life with you and that's all I need."

"I need a ring first,' I joked.

"I'm working on it," he said as he got some food.

The lights went out before flickering back on.

"That was weird," I said.

"Probably just a bad fuse or something. Chet will fix it," Five said.

"Hey, Lovebirds," Klaus smiled as he walked over to us.

"What can we do for you Klaus?" I asked.

"Actually... this is more of a proposition for Five..."

"Fine. I know when I'm not wanted," I said as I picked up a fork for my food and walked back over to the table.

Five's POV

"So, what do you say we get outta here, huh? Take a little... road trip..." Klaus said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm talking about a sojourn to the countryside. You and me. The wind in our hair. Thelma and Louise on the open road," Klaus said.

"You know they die in the end right?" I asked.

He ignored me, "Holding hands, lying our best life, may little cherub!"

I looked over at Y/N to see her eating by herself. I went to walk over to her, but Klaus pulled me back to look at him, "Listen to me. I nearly died from Luther's sleep farts last night. We need to get out of here. Get some fresh air."

I sighed, "Okay, I'll bite. Why me, Klaus?"

"Because you said... you said you were retired. And that's what retired people do. And don't you deserve some fun?'

I zoned him out as I looked at the once full lobster tank, "There's no lobsters."

"Excuse me?" Klaus asked,

"There was three lobsters in that tank a minute ago..." I said.

"Well, you know, maybe Chet blended 'em into a morning smoothie," Klaus said.

I gave him a confused look, "You're an idiot. But I'm in. As long as Y/N can come."

"Well, I figured you'd want to use that wad of cash you have and buy her a ring," He wiggled his eyebrows.

"She knows about the money Klaus," I said, "But you can still distract her while I go to a jewelry store."

"Okay! Yay!" He clapped.

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