Un-Beryl-able News

Start from the beginning

"Of course milady! I will get right onto that as soon as break is over."

The sound of the whistles from the docks echoed in the breeze. When the ships came back to harbor, that signaled the end of the break period. Ningguang gave Daiyu a pat on the arm before leaving her to her tasks. Daiyu let out the breath she had been holding and scurried to the kitchen to inform Xiangling of this golden opportunity.

Little did she know, the smile of the elegant woman's face crept upwards as if she had planned for this interaction.


My eyes widened as I stared at the sight before me. My mind was reeling at what I just heard and what I was about to witness.

They were going to dispose of Flowerbedo! He did nothing wrong!

"Please your highnesses, spare his life! He did me no harm nor did he have any ill intentions."

I tried to beg, pleading almost to spare my new friend's life. All while the storm raged on outside like the turmoil dancing in my heart. Prince Itto's eyes stared into mine, a mixture of confusion and anger glaring down at me.

"Did you not see what the great Itto was seeing? That monster was trying to do something terrible to you! How could you let such a creature live?"

"He didn't do anything to me! I'm unharmed, slightly cold, but still-!"

Noelle gave me a sympathetic stare. "So what you are saying is that this flower monster had no evil thoughts towards you?"

Albedo gripped harder as he sneered at his clone. "I find that hard to believe. Creatures like this one have only savagery in thoughts and name. Since it can produce ice and snow, there's no doubt that he was going to freeze you and keep you frozen forever."

Tears were now streaming down my face as I watched Gorou and Noelle aiming their weapons at Flowerbedo. I tried unsuccessfully to break out of Itto's grasp, but he overpowered me. Curse this weakened body of mine! I wish I had taken my brother's offer to train my body alongside my mind! Flowerbedo looked so frightened by the murderous stares that the siblings were giving him. All I knew was that if Gorou or Noelle were the ones to bring him down, they would show him no mercy. I had to do something before he was turned to nectar!

Apologizing in my head, I slammed my knee against Itto's crotch. He made a squeaking noise, loosening his grip enough for me to slide out. Albedo saw this and commanded his siblings finish the job before I could reach him. I pushed him to the ground, allowing Flowerbedo to slide away from the others. Stunned, Gorou and Noelle tried to help me up, but I slapped their hands away. To my surprise, I hoisted the flower clone on my back and started to run out of the library. I could hear their shouts behind me, ordering me to come back to them. I couldn't do that, I didn't want to lose my new friend.

The wind and rain howled around us as we ran down the hallways. Now there were noticeable puddles that were deeper than when I last saw them. The whole courtyard was nearly flooded over. This was no ordinary storm I realized. This was something out of the ordinary about the strange weather today. Almost as if this were planned...

"Why....did...you...save....me?" Flowerbedo's voice whispered in my ear, making me involuntarily shiver.

"I couldn't just watch you die! It's inhumane, even if you are a monster. The fact that they were willing to put your life at risk for the protection of my own feels....wrong."


I blushed, trying to not let him see my face. I didn't know how to reply to him since I wasn't as good as he said. I was terribly selfish, wanting to preserve my life over the lives of others. I try not let others know how I really feel in fear of rejection and mockery. It was better to keep it all inside of me and let it fester within her till it exploded out in a mess of emotions.

But that's a story for another time.

An arrow nearly impacted itself on my head as I managed to duck. My heart beat wildly as I looked back to see Gorou aiming his bow at us, purposely avoiding trying to hit me again. Itto came from behind and started swinging his club, sending rocks towards us. Flowerbedo blew out cold air, freezing the rocks when they hit the water. More arrows came flying as I bobbed and weaved my way around them. I could hear the irritated voice of Noelle scolding to the two for almost hurting me. That doesn't give me time to stop since I know she could easily dispatch me easier than the others. Geo flowers started appearing before us, blocking the way for our escape. I knew this was Prince Albedo's doing as he came from behind the others. His eyes were cold and distant, but I could see the displeasure forming on his brows.

"I will ask once more Daiyu." He held out his hands, his vision glowing menacingly in the darkness. "Hand over that monster to be disposed. I won't give you too much of harsh punishment if you surrender now."

I was backed up against the railing of the pavilion, trembling under his gaze. On one hand, I could surrender now and get my punishment. Though, in doing this, Flowerbedo will be harmed. On the other hand, I could try to make a daring escape here and now. The drop from the pavilion down the mountain would be a long one and there was a chance I could die if not careful.

Well there was one thing to do now.

"Clench your teeth and try not to scream."

Just as those words tumbled out of my mouth, I let myself go limp and fall over the ledge.

The raindrops fell along with me as my new friend and I took a tumble downwards. My ears could briefly pick up on the screams of the royal family as I made my choice. Closing my eyes, I watched my entire life flash before my eyes. Was it really crazy or sad that I wanted to do this? All of this to save the life of a friend I just met?

It was a good life while it lasted. I'm just glad I could do one last good thing before I left.

I awaited my body to make a splat against the ground, but found myself landing in the arms of someone strong. I let out a breath of relief before I opened my eyes to see who had caught me.

I wished I kept them closed.

Holding my body was the frightened face of the Emperor.


The stormy day arc is over next time! What will happen next?

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