Rock Solid Start

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How did my life turn out like this? 
Am I destined to serve them forever? 
Someone tells me that my family doesn't want me home any time soon.
"Daiyu, we have made a deal with the emperor in order to improve our town." 

Daiyu stared at her parents, who held out some bags for her to carry. The young woman had come home after making sure that the villagers received the daily rations. They ran a very poor town off the outskirts of the grand city of Liyue. Being such an insignificance small town meant that they had to work twice as hard to gather materials and ingredients to feed their people. Being the only daughter of the chief, her brothers were away serving in the royal army to provide funds for them. 
Now she stood in the living room holding her bags as her parents placed some in a small carriage outside their home. What in Teyvat was going on? 

"I'm sure you know that the emperor is currently looking for new servants to work in his Jade Palace. The pay is good, you get holidays off, and you'll be near the vast city of Liyue. So..." Her mother hesitate before holding her hands. "We made a deal to sell you off to get some money and materials for the village." 

"Do not despair, your brothers work for the prince's army. If you need anything, you can just ask them." Her father opened the carriage and smiled. "Promise us that you'll write to us when you find the time and mind your manners around royalty!" 

Daiyu was too shocked as the carriage door slammed in front of her as the village she had grown up in got smaller and smaller. She was scared, angry, and sadden at the same time as the two people she thought she could trust had essentially sold her for money. 
All she could do was pray for her survival.
The royal family of Liyue were made up of various individuals that were fair and just. Since the country was founded upon the concepts of contracts, this made it the hub for commerce and trading. The people who lived in the capital city were known to be either well versed in the trading system or high class nobles. Towering over the city was the majestic Jade Palace where the royal family lived.

The head of the family was Emperor Rex Lapis, a figure of power who could re-shape the very ground he walked upon. There was a rumor that if you knew the true name of the emperor, he would show you his real form. However, since this was a rumor, none tried to find his true name. He constantly made trips to the city with his elite guards to check out the marketplace. He was mysterious, handsome, and kind to those he respected. 

The next was the emperor's distant cousin Ningguang, a lady of nobility and second-in-command of the household. She was the head of the information industry of Liyue, plus she could crunch numbers faster than most traders. Being a lady in the money making business, she could spend just as much as she could save. Many claim that the only reason she lives in the Jade Palace is that she owned the place, not the emperor. The emperor even stated that if he ever was incapacitated, Ningguang would be the first to take over in his place. 

Next came the firstborn son of the emperor, Itto. He was a brash and loud individual with a whole gang of followers. He dressed in garish clothing, swung a big club, engaged in one too many battles, and collected rare bugs and cards. Many children enjoyed his company though, seeing him as a funny older brother. Due to his reckless nature, he was forbidden from taking the throne. 

The true heir of the throne according to some was the second son Albedo. The young man was a scientist, helping with the development of the city. He owns a laboratory somewhere on Dragonspine Mountain, where he does various experiments on people. Some feared him while others admired his inquisitive nature. The rumor surrounding him was that he had clones that worked for him. 

The last of the sons was the leader of the grand army Gorou. He was a general, and a great strategic leader. The thing that separated him from the others was that he had animal appendages coming from his body. While that was uncommon for the average folk, seeing a hybrid in the royal family made some of the rare cases happy. He had dog ears and tail, could communicate with canines, and was loyal to a fault. Gorou would never disobey an order from his father. 

There was only one sister that the emperor sired, that being Noelle. She was an odd case among the royals since she preferred to help the maids and knights. She was a healer, making herbal teas for the exhaust and weary. Many judged her for not following royal etiquette laws, but none would dare go against the emperor's word. Noelle even trained with a massive claymore like her older brother, making her immensely stronger than the usual noble women. 

There was another member of the royal family, but she never lived in the Jade Palace. Yun Jin was an opera singer that went around other countries to spread her music for all to hear. When she did come back to Liyue, she was always welcomed back home.

With these individuals ruling the city, there wasn't much that could stop them. They each had a job to do and they would do it to perfection. 
Things would change forever when the newest set of servants came into the palace.

That old clock in the middle of the courtyard ring loud and clear. I knew it meant that the day was at a start and it was time to wake up. Working here for nearly three months now, you start to remember what tolls meant morning, afternoon, and evening. Since I had to work early, I usually got up at the crack of dawn. 
Yawning, I headed to the mirror to see my hideous morning face. Frowning, I picked up the brush to untangle my long black hair. Then I put on my makeup; simple gold eyeshadow, a dusting of bronzer, tiny bit of lip gloss. Once I fixed my face, I grabbed my uniform, which was a golden hanfu decorated with the design of glaze lilies, brown sandals, white apron, and core lapis necklace. Taking one last look at my appearance, I gave a quick nod and headed out the door. 
My room was down the deeper ends of the Jade Palace, allowing me some privacy from the other servants. All the servant's quarters were down here, but many bunked together while I got a single room to myself. I'm not one to complain since at one point I lived in a room with many others. 

The sun was slowly rising from the east, casting large shadows into the hallways. Loud snoring noises echoed throughout the place, coming from the large tree in the east corridor. I shook my head; Azhdaha must've fallen asleep after his hunt last night.

I will have to chat with him during my lunch break. 

As I approached the gold doors of my first visitor of the day, I thought about how my life had changed since I first came here. It was so bizarre, working in the Jade Palace was so surreal. I often wonder if my folks knew this and sold me to the emperor because of this. Sighing, I knocked on the door. 

"You may enter." The strong voice came from the other side of the door, making me shiver. 

No matter how many times I heard him, he still struck fear into my heart. Gulping, I pushed open the doors to reveal another world. The emperor's room was teaming with life and various jewels. His bed was in the center of a small pool! Precious stones floated around the room, sparkling and glittering in the morning light. The mighty emperor himself was seen in his sleep robes, long brown hair cascading down his back. His eyes as gold as the currency that could sprout from his fingertips. His most notable trait that made him stand out was the horns that adorned his head. 
It took all my willpower not to stare too long or face his wrath. Hastily, I bowed to show my respect. 

"Good morning, Emperor Rex Lapis, maker of contracts, mover of ground, and shining figure of Liyue." I said, nearly fumbling with my words. Having recited that a thousand times a day helped with that. I walked over in the various placed stones to his bed, holding his royal robes out for him. "How are you this morning, your majesty?"

I could feel his eyes boring deep within my soul as he placed a hand on my head. "You may rise Daiyu. It brings me happiness that you wake me up every morning. You may now commence with the daily routine."

This was just like every morning I kept telling myself. As I helped his highness with putting his clothes on, I failed to notice how long he had been lingering on my form.
If only I had been a little bit wiser on that fact.
Happy Birthday Zhongli! 

Earthly Desires *Yandere Genshin Impact*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang