Un-Beryl-able News

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"Did you hear that the Sumeru royals can grow plants with a single touch?"

"I heard that the royals of Fontaine have riches almost equal to Liyue!"

"Oh I wish that I had applied to the Inazuma kingdom! They have the most gorgeous looking women there."

Afternoon, a splendid time of day between the working hours of the morning sun and the sleeping hours under the silver moon. When the sun was at its highest peak, the maids and servants went about the day with newfound vigor. Almost always would you hear the tales and news from the most talkative of the bunch while enjoying a light meal. Since they were always needed, lunchtime was a light affair with small meals that could be eaten with quick succession.

For Daiyu, she enjoyed a small helping of Rice Buns made by the royal chef. Four little buns of deliciously steamed vegetables wrapped around a tasty rice and horsetail blend of powder. This little delicacy was something she first experienced when she moved to the area. When she was home, the village was so poor that they couldn't afford the luxuries of rice and flour. When they did obtain some rice, she would never get to sample anything made from it. Her mouth would salivate as she watched her brothers and parents eat heavy meals like Universal Peace while she was stuck using the leftover vegetables to make a pitiful attempt at Radish Soup. It was bland due to the lack of spices, but it carried her through the night. Sometimes her brothers would sneak her some fish they'd caught with a bit of rice to let her make Stir-Fried Fish Noodles. However, once her parents would catch a whiff of the stuff, her plate was promptly taken away and replaced with paltry pickings from the inventory.

Daiyu relished the times where she would get good food at the palace. Unlike home, Xiangling was happy to make her some food as long as she stayed for conversation. Gouba alone made her stay longer since the adorable panda would snuggle against her while she waited for food. This would start the trend of Daiyu learning how to cook for herself and learn different recipes to make her own meals. With an array of ingredients at her disposal, there was not a single dish she hadn't tried once and there were some that she preferred over others.

Overall, Daiyu enjoyed cooking for herself, even if they were small handhelds like this one.

Gazing over the horizon, she snacked on her meal with thoughts of the future. She hadn't planned to stay long after she was sold. Working here was a starting point to where she could figure out her life. She planned on traveling the other regions and seeing what else the world had to offer. Who knows, maybe she'll settle down one day and start a family. That made her chuckle as she took another bite. If that ever were the case, she would do her best to raise her children with more love and support than her parents ever gave her.

"Daiyu, I didn't expect to see you here at the top. Shouldn't you be with the others down below?"

The sound of heels interrupted her thoughts as Lady Ningguang came and stood beside her. She swallowed quickly, fumbling to catch her last Rice Bun before it was snatched up by her boss. Fear seeped its way into her veins as she promptly took a small bite from the bun and hummed in thought.

"Not bad, I can tell this is different from the street vendors or our resident chef. Did you perhaps make this?"

"I-I-I....yes milady."

"Don't be so nervous. I'm not going to ridicule you. I just thought this bun tasted better than it should."

"You think so?"

"Tell you what, I have a meeting in a couple of hours. How about you whip me up some of these Rice Buns and a treat of your choice? Meeting with investors can get a bit tiring and Ganyu always complains about not having enough snacks to make it through. Maybe the saltiness of these buns combined with the sweetness of the treat you make will balance out the somewhat bland tea."

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