Peter swallowed thickly. "I know but this is urgent sir."

"Is it now? Well, I'm all ears."

Peter felt worried now. He couldn't tell this man what he needed to tell Strange.
"It's's private sir."

"Oh yeah? Well so is this property."

Okay, that was a good comeback. Peter gave him that.
"But sir please, I'd only be ten minutes tops!" He said, trying to reason with the stranger.
"I said scram. I swear you fanboys are so persistent!" The man grumbled.
Peter groaned inwardly. He supposed he should have tried it as Spider-Man. He never recalled people being turned away like this, maybe it was new security?
Peter's strong hearing picked up two other voices. "What's all the commotion about? Did someone screw up their glowy magic stuff?" A familiar male voice said.
"Shut up birdbrain, or I'll sting you." Hissed out a female voice.
Peter's heart sank. He hoped that those weren't the people he thought they were.
The stranger scoffed. "No, just some annoying kid."
Well ouch. Peter frowned a bit.
The other two peered out the door from behind the other man.
The female of the two with her mix of blond and red hair stared at the young boy in front of her. Noting how he winced a tiny bit when breathing. The fact that he looked very tense when he saw her did not escape the super spy.

Peter inhaled sharply, wincing at the feeling before just staring at the two Avengers and whispering a small 'H-Hi.'

"Why is he annoying Johnny? He seems alright." The archer with the name of a bird spoke up. Amused at the other- Who Peter assumed was Johnny- who seemed annoyed and the nervousness of Peter.
"He is just another fanboy claiming to have a reason to be here." Johnny snapped.

"Well did you ask him what the reason was?" The female of the group spoke up.

Johnny rolled his eyes. "Of course I did, the brat just said it was personal!" He snapped. More annoyed now.
"Hey chill out junior wizard, no need to be snappy," Clint stated, clearly done with the irritated man.
Natasha ignored the others' words before walking over to Peter.
"You have a proper reason for being here don't you?" She questioned the younger boy.
Peter simply nodded. Not trusting himself to speak.
"May I ask what it is? I won't tell." It seemed the Black Widow could be sweet at times.

"Uhm oh well...I can't explain. I've had a spell put on me and I'd just like to learn about it."

The spy's eyes widened then narrowed before she nodded. "It's fine Johnny, the boy won't cause harm. We'll keep an eye on him." With that, the woman guided Peter by the shoulder into the building.

Man, Peter was wishing he stayed home now.

The wizard in training simply scoffed and walked off.

Looking around the building he couldn't help but smile at the lack of snow, it seemed the problem had been fixed.
The archer stood behind the teenage boy, his hands shoved in his pockets. "So, what's got cold little Nat sticking up for a stranger?" He teased

"Ask again and I'll break your bow, Clint."

"You wouldn't dare!" He exclaimed, but the archer feel silent anyways.
"So, what's your name kid?" The female spy said with a glance to the boy in question.
"Oh, uhm. It's, it's uh, Peter. My name is Peter." He whispered, almost inaudible.
The woman's eyes narrowed but she shrugged it off.
The archer however chuckled. "You sure are shy huh buddy?" He said with an amused grin. "Though I can't blame you. We are heroes after all." Said the archer with quite a snarky grin.
Peter chuckled to himself, if there was one thing he liked to do, it was to mess with Clint.
"Oh yeah. I forgot you were an Avenger sir, though I remembered her." He said, trying to sound sincere.
Clint's expression soured quickly. "Maybe Kate was right about my branding issue." He mumbled to himself.
Natasha grinned a bit at the young boy's words. "Well, it seems I am more popular than you Clint." She said smugly. "You owe me $50 birdbrain."
The Bird in question groaned and crossed his arms.

Peter felt a tiny bit bad for him. "I'm sorry mister Barton sir, I was only joking, I know who you are." He said apologetically.
Mister Barton raised an eyebrow. "Buddy? What in the world did you call me? I'm not that old!"
"Oh my bad mister Ba-"
"Clint. Or at least just Mr. Barton please kid."
"Okay, Mr. Barton."
Natasha's lips curled in a small smile before she quickly got rid of it.

Peter wondered why these two Avengers were here, though he was a little glad to see them, it hurt knowing that had absolutely no idea who he was. It was at times like this that the local vigilante knew just how alone he was. He shook his head to clear it, just as a man spoke.

"Well, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Came the dry and sarcastic voice of the magic man known as Steven Strange.

Peter knew this was a mistake.

[just kidding I'm not leaving off on a cliffhanger yet.]

Doctor Strange walked down the stairs, his eyes remaining on the two Avengers, his focus not on Peter just get. At least it wasn't for the moment.
Clint was the first to speak. "We'd like to speak to you about the events of last month." He stated quite bluntly.
Peter was slowly getting more and more nervous by the minute. If he asked his question now, it would be seen as suspicious, and Peter was not ready to talk about those events just yet.
"I don't think I'll be of much assistance but I can try." The Sorcerer stated, holding a cup of tea that Peter didn't remember him having just a minute ago.
Natasha elbowed Clint before tilting her head towards Peter.
"Let the kid go ahead, we'll be here a while." She spoke firmly, letting him step in front of them.
The Sorcerer looked confused as he glanced over at Peter. "And who is this?" He asked.
"I have no clue but he said he had something important to ask."
"Yes, we will not be eavesdropping. Clint" The Russian spy said before dragging the archer outside.

Peter swallowed nervously as he looked at the confused magician. "Hi, Sir." He said trying not to mumble his words.
"So, what brings you here?" Dr. Strange got straight to the point.
"Well, I just had a question to ask of you. Let's say that you cast a spell that made the whole world forget who somebody was, if that person told someone what happened the spell wouldn't break right?"
Peter could see the wheels turning in the other's head. Dr. Strange's eyes narrowed. "Well no, that wouldn't break the spell. Why do you ask?" He questioned the teenager.

When Strange was met with silence he spoke up again. "I didn't... I didn't cast this spell on you did I?" He asked, realization showing on his face.
"Wha-What?! N-No!" Peter stammered, why was he so bad at lying to Mister Strange? Usually, he could just slide something by and be just fine. Not today it seemed.
The former neurosurgeon took a step closer. "I think it would be wise for you to be honest with me kid, was this spell cast on you?"
Peter swallowed nervously once more, his heart begging him to just tell the Doctor, that he wouldn't be alone then, but his brain told him otherwise, that everyone who knew him always got hurt.
The doctor's eyes softened. "Can you at least tell me why?"
Well, he couldn't give the whole reason but he could give a small part of the story, right?

"I asked you to."

"Why would you ask me to do that?"

"To save the world."

[2065 words you guys!!! Thanks for reading this chapter, I apologize for any out-of-character moments, I'm rewatching the movies as I said and I have not reached Doctor. Strange just yet. So bear with me, please!]

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