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In 2014

Jake's pov:

Hi im sim jaeyun! But call me Jake! I'm 7 years old,
I grew up in Australia but moved to Korea because my dad found a job here.
Every month I go to a skating rink with my parents for some charity or something.
At first I hated it until I saw some boy in the rink, park Sunghoon.

January 2014
"Mom dad where are we goingggg?" I asked impatiently "we're going to a ice skating rink for charity's" my mom said annoyed "why?" I asked "well a friend from mine has a kid named park Sunghoon who ice skates and they promote different charity's and we want to help" my mom explained "ooooh okay!"

At the ice skating rink
"Look" my mom said "that's where we will be sitting every month when theres a performance" "every month?!" I shouted "Shhh! Be quieter and yes every month now stop questioning and let's sit." My dad said " okayy"

We needed to wait for a hour before park Sunghoon performed. My mom said it was his first performance. He looked pretty nervous but did so good! He looked so elegant and free on stage. He better wins or else I would punch the judges.

And as i thought, he won!

After the performance's ended, I got up and headed to the vending machine. I looked for a option that I liked. To my surprise I saw chocolate pudding. I placed my coin in the vending machine and tried to reach the button for the chocolate pudding.
But I was to short... "come on!! I just want my pudding!!" I screamed with angry tears. I gave up and sat down miserably. "Here" a boy around my age said. I looked up and saw no other then park Sunghoon. "Thank you" I said quietly and blushed while I took the chocolate pudding from his hand. *Chuckles* "No problem, I heard someone screaming for chocolate pudding? when I came out of the restroom and I came to check and saw you struggling." He said while smiling. ' Wow he looks really pretty when he's smiling'
"What's your name by the way? I'm Park Sunghoon! And I'm 7 years old" he said while holding out his hand. " I-im Sim jaeyun also 7 years old" I said while shyly shaking his hand. We talked a bit until I needed to go.

"Jaeyunnie~! Come we need to go!" My mom said " okay wait! Bye Sunghoon! It was nice to meet you!" I said while waving and walking to my mom ."Bye Jake! See you next time!" He said while waving back.

Every month I went to the ice skating rink with my mom and dad. Met Sunghoon after the performance with his big shiny medal, and talked a bit with each other until I needed to go again.

December 2016
"Sunghoon you did amazing as always!" I said while I ran to him. "Thank you!" He said while standing awkwardly with two drinks. " here I already got you your drink." He said while giving me the drink. " oh thank you!" I said while taking a sip from the drink. "D-do you think I have fans?" Sunghoon asked shyly. "Of course you have fans! Didn't you hear all those girls shouting your name before your performance? And you got me! Your biggest fan!" I said happily. "B-biggest fan?" Sunghoon said flustered. " yeah! I'm your biggest fan! I've been with you since the beginning and I will still be until the end!" I said. "O-oh thanks." He said flustered. I giggled as his reaction and continue to say "even if you would become famous and forget me, I will be your biggest fan still!" I said sadly. "I would never forget you!" He said seriously

"Jaeyunnie!" My mom shouted. "Oh I need to go, bye Sunghoon! See you at your next performance!"I said while waving goodbye. "Bye..." Sunghoon then pulled me by my hand and hugged me. Ngl I got butterflies " I will miss you..." He said with a sad face. "W-what are you talking about? We're seeing each other after a month??" I said confused "Y-yeah"He said nervously. "I'm actuall-" he was about to say something until.
"Sim Jaeyun! Hurry! I don't have the entire day! My mom shouted. "Okay! Bye Sunghoon see you at your next performance!" I said while waving goodbye. "B-bye see you I guess...." he said sadly.

After a month
"Mom are we going to see Sunghoon's performance today?" I said while already 'knowing' the answer. "Oh honey, didn't you know? Last month was Sunghoon's last performance. He's taking a break to focus on his studies." My mom said sadly. "W-wait what?"I said shocked. "Didn't you knew? I thought Sunghoon already said that to you." My mom said guilty. I then ran to my room and SHUTTED my door shut. I bursted out crying. "W-why am I crying? I don't want to cry but I just can't stop... w *sniff* why does *sniff it *sniff* hurt *sniff* so * sniff* much..... I don't want to feel sad...."

Biggest fan ~ JakehoonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu