How They React To You Being Alive Pt 3

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Billy was on his usual paper route delivering his usual amount of papers at two times the speed. People picked up on this because of the paper completely or nearly hit them in the face " BILLY SLOW DOWN YOUR GONNA KILL SOMEBODY TROWNING THOESE PAPERS LIKE THAT!'' But Billy didn't have time to do something like "Slow down." He had to get back home asap to try and help you in any way possible. He had asked Gwen to try and have dreams about you and clues about where you were, she did have one dream containing a house number and the same house from the side with a basement window. He felt like the police on the case looking for you weren't doing enough even though he knew he was wrong he still thought it. He tried to shake the feelings of guilt that you blamed him for your kidnapping but he just couldn't. After his route was over he raced home to review his plan on how he could get you out of that house if you were still alive. His dog ran over to greet him home but all he did was get him a little pet before going to his room. His dog followed him as Billy sat on his bed "Do you really think their alive in that house?'' He asked his animal companion. The dog looked at him like he understood what Billy was trying to accomplish and what he was trying to do. They had that connection sometimes like they understood each other emotions and problems and like they knew how to comfort each other especially when Billy's feeling got out of hand. Billy went back to checking if everything that he needed was ready to go and nothing was broken or needed repairs, Billy had rope, a hammer, a medical kit, numbing medicine, a knife, and one of his father's guns just in case the sicko who kidnapped you tried something. He headed out soon after he got all the supplies in a duffel bag telling he's parents that he was going to spend the night over a friend's house explaining the use of the duffle bag he kicked the kickstand of his bike to it's upright position and he was off. He arrived at the house and went to the side of the house and when he looked through the window he saw you on a beaten up stained mattress crying your eyes out. He knocked on the window after you stopped crying you looked at the window to see Billy smiling at you as you ran to the window. He signaled you to back up as he pulled the hammer out of his duffle bag, smashing the window and pulling out the rope next he threw it down to you while you climbed up it. You fell out onto the grassy upperland of the once familiar ground while Billy flung his arms around you in a tight hug " Y/N!" Billy yelled "Quiet down Billy I know you grateful to see me alive but the grabber is still in the house and he can probably hear you.'' Billy calmed himself down and started to take your hand to get you out of that horrible place when all of a sudden you both see headlights from behind you. You both didn't need to turn around to know who it was in that black van all you guys needed to do was run. Run faster then you both have ever run in your lives. A turn was about to come up that Billy knew had bushes and Billy quickly hatched a plan in his head and he told you " WHEN WE GET TO THE TURN WE HIDE IN THE BUSHES.'' You nod in agreement as you ran faster. When you got to the turn you both leaped into the bushes holding your breathes for as long as you could even though he was in his car you still didn't want him to see any movement and find you guys. The grabber stayed near the bushes for a little before driving of to try and find you both. Once the coast was clear you both sprinted down to the local police station, you busted through the fount doors first catching everyone's attention with Billy following behind " I'M Y/N L/N AND I WAS KIDNAPPED BY ALBERT SHAW * Idk the grabber real name I goggled this* AND HE LIVES AT *The Grabber's address*"Half of the police force races up to you and Billy the rest go to the address you said. The Grabber came back to police swarming both of the houses he used for kidnapping and he got arrested.


A few months later You were on the stand testifying against him and the judge asked if you had anything to say to him. "Actually I do have something to say to this monster, fuck you I hope you get the day you fucking deserver." Albert was sentence to life in prison without parole

Hey everyone sorry if this is shity I'm super tired and its like 12 am and I got school tomorrow (┬┬﹏┬┬)

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