Chapter Twelve

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At The Court Of Miracles:

Anya started to groan with tiredness as she felt someone shoving her from her side "come on sleepy head! Wake up! Papa is making us breakfast as we speak!" Esme's voice broke through the silence, Anya opened her eyes reluctantly "okay I'm getting up" she squealed to Esme as she pushed Esme's hands away from her, as she sat upright on her wooden framed bed, Esme had offered for her to share her bedroom last night, the room was small and rectangular, with nothing but an bed, an oval mirror which hung on the wall and a cupboard for all Esme's stuff, just then she heard an bark, feeling her dog Pooka jumping on her lap, Anya stroked her pet as he barked at her "alright I will take you for a walk once I have changed and fed okay?" She questioned Pooka who tried to lick her face in response but Anya put Pooka down.

That is when Anya was about to grab the dress which the Archdeacon gave her "Red what are you doing?" Anya look confused at Esme "what do you mean?" Anya questioned "you can't go out in the Court of Miracles wearing that hideous dress..." That's when Esme ran to her cupboard, leaving Anya stunned, she didn't find the dress hideous, she actually preferred that dress, but it brought back painful memories of her and Quasi back, she had no more tears left to spare as she cried for most of the night, even though she felt the pieces of her heart still broken, she sighed as Esme walked over to her with some clothes, which consisted of a white blouse which definitely will show too much cleavage for her liking, a crimson red dress, an white bandanna, one ankle bracelet which was gold and an bracelet which was gold with Ruby gems in "here you are, these will look better on you" Anya thanked Esme as she left for her to changed.

Anya checked herself in the mirror, her red fiery hair was down, her bandanna wrapped around her head, she was right about the blouse, it did show too much cleavage but she shrugged it off, her crimson red just reached past her knees, the ankle bracelet was on the right side and the bracelet on the left side, she had to admit she looked good, when Anya was ready she went downstairs with Pooka following behind her, she went into the cobble stoned kitchen to see Esme, Djali, Coplin and Dr Facilier already at the breakfast table, there was bread, fruits and milk, when she came in all eyes were on her "morning Red" Facilier replied in his usually cheery tone "morning Uncle, Coplin" she greeted as she took a seat near to Esme, she was feeding her goat pieces of hay, Facilier passed Anya some meat scraps on a small "here feed him this, he looks like he hasn't had a decent meal in a while" Anya thanked Facilier as took the plate, she put the plate on the floor, Pooka immediately devoured it all, after the scraps were gone he licked her hand as a thank you, barking chirpily, she couldn't help but giggle as he did, that is when she caught Coplin staring at her intentionally "is there something wrong?" Anya questioned him "oh nothing, I just cant stop thinking how beautiful you are."

Anya froze in shock, she hadn't expected such an bold comment out of him, even Esme and Facilier turned around in shock, Coplin immediately blushed and said apologetically "oh I am sorry I never meant to offend you-" "It's fine, I know you are just messing with me aren't you?" she said as Anya grabbed a apple from the table, she saw how his reaction changed as she said that, he looked deeply hurt by her comment but nonetheless he replied "yeah sure" she hoped that she didn't offend him, but her mind was not on finding love, especially when she was already in love with a man who could never love her, the pain in her heart painfully beated hard as she thought of Quasi again, how long would this pain last? she wished that it would go away, it was making her heart and head spin, she didn't want to be constantly reminded of what she had lost but it always there at the corners of her mind, that is when she questioned if Quasi had got the letter? what would he say? how would he react? she didn't know if leaving was the wrong choice, but what could she do now?

Meanwhile At The Notra Dame:

The skies of Paris seem to be dark today, thick almost black clouds cover the sky, the wind howls through the streets, making anyone who was awake shiver, even the interior of the Notra Dame looks gloomy this morning as the bells ring throughout the city, As Quasi finishes ringing the last of the morning bells he can't help but feel something is wrong "that's st-st-strange, Anya's usually here by-by-by now" he whispered to himself, in his gut he felt a strange level of Anxiety rise in him.

Just then he heard footsteps coming from straight behind him, he turned around happily only to see that it was the Archdeacon "Good morning Quasimodo" he greeted kindly but firmly, Quasi smile faded as he said "g-g-good morning s-s-sire, w-w-what brings you h-h-hear this morning?" Quasi saw the sadness in the kind man's face, just from his body language alone he knew something was wrong "I have come up here to tell you of some unexpected news, I am terribly sad to inform you that your dear friend Anya has ran away from the protection of Notra Dame and will never been returning again."

The moment those words came from The Archdeacon Quasi's heart broke, his breath hitched and he felt like he was about to collapse "w-w-what d-d-do you mean she's-" "-I'm so sorry Quasimodo but she ran away whilst we slept last night..." The Archdeacon said with sorrow, Quasi's eyes filled with tears as The Archdeacon handed him a envelope "...she told me to give you this" Quasi took the envelope out of his hands, he frantically tore up the envelope and read the letter:

Dear Quasi,

I apologise for leaving in such a rush but I couldn't stay here any longer, I couldn't risk the guards and Frollo knowing about our friendship.

Thank you for putting up with me for the last Ten years, you will always have a special place in my heart.

Love from Anya.

P.s - Please don't come looking for me.

Quasi tears dropped onto the letter as he uncontrollably sobbed, as he sat on the stool next to his wooden replica, his arms on the table, he rested his head in the crook of his arms as he sobbed, he couldn't believe that his friend had left him, he didn't understand why she didn't tell him, he also worried to where she was, he just wanted her back, The Archdeacon left the hunchback quietly, as he left Quasi, as he left Quasi's chambers and down the steps which lead to the cathedral the Archdeacon couldn't stop the tears which had flowed down his face, he walked over to the Chapel and prayed "Oh Heavenly Father, hear my prayer, watch over Anya for me and protect her."

Author's Notes:

Heya, hope everyone is good, sorry this chapter has been delayed, been very busy with looking for a new jobas my prevoius employer had cut my hours down to nothing and no one can live off nothing, but I have finally got a new job and I am starting from scratch, anyway please vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter, and I will see you next time!

Anya's Dress:

Anya's Hairstyle:

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Anya's Hairstyle:

Anya's Hairstyle:

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