Magic Knight (Ch 6)

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(No Ones P.O.V)

After Asta, Manga, and Luck got back to the base and explained what all happened there.

Yami: "Kid this is why we don't let you go anywhere."

Asta: "I know I know but even though I hate him but he doesn't deserve his grimoire to be taking like that. It should be lost forever stuck in time. His magic is wind and I guess he can make swords with it. It makes sense saying they think he's the child of an elf. If I'm not mistaken my mother used wind magic and my father a swordmage. But I did get a little information from the trip I know that my father was the leader of the elves."

All the Black Bulls said something along the lines of good job or I'm happy for you well Yami what is patting Asta's Hair.

Over the six months before the magic knights exam Asta to learn a couple of things about her magic. She learned a few things she had to know she had dark magic thanks her tentacles but she also learned that she had white fire, water, wind/air, earth along with the little bit of light magic. Over those six months she learned how to control her fire, water, the wind and air but light to her did not come as easily she could barely manipulated it right and of course even her tentacles became darker it looked and became a little more monstrous when looked at but you could tell they were for good. Without light there is no darkness. Without despair there is no hope. If you live in a world full of despair and darkness you should always hope for something better always look to see the light Because a light even it dim one can shine brighter than the sun.

Asta: "Hey dad where should I try to go for the magic knights?"

Yami: "I think you should try to go to the Golden Dawn. When I was younger I worked with the caption William Vangeance and it is were I think you will grow the most. Now go to sleep you are going to need some strength from tomorrow and make sure that you don't go over 10%.

Asta: "I won't. Goodnight."

The next day when Asta got ready to leave when Yami called her over and had Finral open a portal and had her walk though so she was at the marketplace. She walk through the marketplace for a little while and then start heading to the arena where the exam will be held. When she got there she saw many participants and got line.

"Show me your grimoire and where you are from."

Asta showed him her grimoire.

Asta: "I'm from Hage Village."

"Kid is this even a grimoire it looks so old."

Asta: "Yes it is a grimoire and it looks old because it is old."

The guy just Shrugged and look at his hand and put it on her grimoire and said

"You are 137 got that kid"

Asta just nodded and went on in. After everybody was in a couple birds came flying down they were called anti birds cuz they were used to see how much power somebody has. Many people start talking about a boy that had none around them but now it's nothing compared to how Asta's was even the people around her that knew they had weak magic had no birds around them and they looked around and saw her they came to the conclusion that her magic was just too strong and no birds wanted to be around her. When she started walking over the birds flew away from the people and flew to the others who she wasn't around this is how people knew how strong her mana was the birds to tell but they couldn't. Tune all the birds feliway speak cuz 9 people walk on to the upper level the magic Knight captain. you had captain Nozel Silva Captain of the silver, Fuegoleon Vermillion Captain of the Crimson Lion Kings, Jack the Ripper Captain of the Green Praying Mantises, Charlotte Roselei Captain of the Blue Rose Knights, Gueldre Poizot Captain of the Purple Orcas, Dorothy Unsworth Captain of the Coral Peacocks, Rill Boismortier Captain of the Aqua Deer, William Vangeance Captain of the Golden Dawn, and Yami Sukehiro Captain of the Black Bulls. There's a whole exam hasta easily beat everything no matter what they tried even throwing at her she usually Concord it when she made as Statue it was of a beautiful landscape one that no one has ever seen the leaves moved in with the grass is so the wind is moving itself. when it came time to the fighting nobody really 1 divider with barely trying she only went 5% do all those tests. walked over to Asta.

: "Do you want to fight?"

Asta: "Sure."

Asta and Sekke walked over and got ready for the fight. None of the captains really looked ready for the fight most of them had a board expression except for Yami he leaned forward and was ready to watch the fight even though he already knew who is going to win. Once the fight had started Asta didn't even need her grimoire as uses magic to create a barrier around the user tentacles of darkness wrapped around his magic it all started to crumble around him as could not take the pressure on his magic any longer it caves in and the tentacles got him covering him in darkness no one could really see what was going on just that Yami had a big smile on his face now all the captains we're leaning forward looking at what just happened. They all had a look like they wanted this person on their team saying they were not even using their grimoire and the other person was but it did not help him. After all the fights it was time to announce the teams.

William: "When we call your number come forward if a captain puts their hand up you ar not their team if multiple captains put their hand up you have to pick if not captain puts their hand up you are not on a squad and can come back next year."

How many people did not get a hand raised and had left when it came to Yuno's next turn all captains put their hand up except the Black Bulls. The shock many people. Yuno ended up going with the Golden Dawn and then came to Asta's turn.

" Number 137 come forward."

Asta walked forward.

All captains raised their hands.

Asta: " I will go to the Golden Dawn."

Thank you for reading this chapter I hope you like it.

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