Leaving the Village (ch 3)

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(Father Orsi's POV)

It was a cold fall night when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door and saw 2 baskets.

"Who could have left two babies outside in the cold?" I wondered aloud "Let's go in and get you warmed up."

I took the two babies inside and got them warmed up. Why are the babies have black hair and a pendant next to them and that other one had white hair with slightly pointed ears. The only black hair was named Yuno. The one with white hair was named Asta stop list.

"Don't worry , you are safe here, no one is going to hurt you."

(Couple years time skip brought to you by me not having writer's block)

(No one's POV)

As the years went on many people started to think Asta was just a pretty face or she was a freak because of her hair and ears but she never let anything get to her. She loved reading and learning about the past. She knows she is an elf but she did not know all the powers that she had. More kids came into the church over the years; they even had a sister or a lady of the cloth. The first felt like it was changing to Asta; she felt like she would know how to leave the village but she did not know why until her 5th birthday at the church. Asta and Yuno Always celebrated their birthdays on the same day because nobody knew what day their birthday was actually on so it was on the day Father Oris found them.

(Asta POV)

Today is the day that father found us and I got ready for the day ahead. You can say today is like my fifth birthday. I go to Cicero to see if she needs any help.

"Do you need any help."

"Yes if it's not a problem for you could you get Recca to calm down for me"

"Of course sister."

I went over to Sister and took Recca from her and started to sing a lullaby.

"Play the nights are cash

I will keep you warm and safe

You have nothing to fear for I am here

You are safe with me tonight"

This somehow works and she calms down so I gave her that to Sister Lily.

"Thank you Asta when did you learn that lullaby?"

"I don't know, I guess I sang what comes to my mind."

It was a couple days after the party and Yuno got his magic. He has winmagic. He has stopped crying since he has got his magic. He has also changed in another way. He is starting to become rude to people. It's like what others say goes to his head and he has. I guess what some people say is right,"Power does not abuse people, people abuse power."This may not be right in all cases but for him it sure is.

It's been over a year since Yuno got his magic. I still havent got my magic and most people have forgotten about me or they just think of me as some useless person I sometimes go around to other villages to help out but no one really looks at who I truly am and it's getting annoying right. I also know I will have powerful magic and I have learned about the legends. I have also learned more about the elves and that they died but the story does not add up properly to me at least. It is the fact that the first wizard King was friends with them and but then attacked them. He wanted to be so why would he attack? There's been more to the story but I will not be finding out anytime soon.

I go to the dining room for lunch and see no one is there again. I hope all over the church in find no one

"They let me again yay. They forgot about me. I'm done saying here to them I'm just some pretty freaked face and they can just throw away. I will leave tonight and I'm sure not staying here."

I go outside and find them on a hill behind the church. It looks like they were having a picnic for lunch. I walk away instead of just going over to them. It's easier. It's not like any of them would actually care if I go into the forest. No one went into the forest because of the wild animals that live there most of them were dangerous or so people thought that in reality they are kind creatures who only attack when needed or if they feel threatened and scared like people. I then saw a man looking around and he was not like the other people in this town. I never saw him around any of the villages close by. He must sense me behind them because they turned around with his hand on his sword.

"Kid what are you doing here?"

I did not talk to him at first cuz you're not supposed to talk to strangers I only looked at him. He must have got tired of me doing this because he walked up to me.

"Kid are you lost?"

This time I answered.

"No I'm not lost I know where I am and for your last question I am here to get away from the place I call home. Now what's your name mr."

"My name is Yami, captain of the black bulls. What's your name kid."


"Why do you want to get away from the place you call home kids?"

"You have to have a question Mr. Yami but I wanted to get away from them because it's not like they care if they last me and go have fun. They aren't the same as just a pretty face or a freak because of my white hair or my point of the ears."

"How about you come with me kid, you can come to my base?"

"I have nothing left to do here, also sure but can you wait till later I need to get my stuff so I so I plan to leave tonight already."

"Sure Kid got to bring me some food I'm starving?"

"Fine by me but when will you stop calling me kid you know I have a name. Thank you for taking me with you and taking me away from this place. I don't know how much longer I would have survived oh wait I was leaving tonight nevermind thanks for taking me. See you later when I bring you some food."

"You're a pretty funny kid."

(Yami POV)

The kid ran off I feel bad for her she's just a little kid I mean probably only 6 and being called a freak for who knows how long she's like me in some ways when I came to this land Always being called a freak even though it ain't our fault we don't choose how we look and we don't choose go over from what does he just wait on the kid now.

(Little bit later)

The kids came back with some food and water.

"You might need some water nomotatoes (did I spell that right) dry your mouth out really bad and that's all that we have at the church well mostly."

"Thanks kid and be here before midnight or I might leave you, got it."

Yes sir captain, Yami sir."

(Asta's POV)

It is now night and everybody is asleep I got a bag and piss on my stuff in and some bread and it and threw it out the window and go out myself to meet up with Captain Yami if I did not know he was a magic knight I would not be doing this.

"I see you met the kid, well let's go."

"Aye aye captain" next time and with that we leave the village.

Thank you for reading this chapter I might not post another chapter this or next week I have family coming to town and I don't get to see them a lot.
If you see any way I can improve let me know I would like to grow as a writer the best I can but my main thing is scary story's so something like this is not my thing. Bye hope you liked this chapter.

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