"Lauren?" Camila asked. "Camila! Hi, it's good to see you again." I said fidgeting with my clammy hands. "Nice to see you too. So, you gonna introduce me to your friend?" Camila asked me eyeing the girl next to me. "This is my roommate, Danica." I said pointing to the brown eyed girl next to me. "Hey, Camila? Is that correct?" Danica asked putting out her hand. "Mhm, so are you guys a thing?" Camila said with her arms crossed, totally disregarding Danica's greeting.

My roommate's mouth dropped open, "no, but what is your deal?" "Nothing, I just asked a simple question, that's all." Camila said. I began to feel a weird pressure on my chest, it felt like I couldn't breathe. "Danica, why don't you go back to the cabin while I talk to Camila." I said. She just nodded and headed towards our cabin.

"What was that all about?" I asked Camila. "I don't know what got into me, I'm sorry. I'll go apologize." I stopped Camila from heading to chase my roommate. "You jealous?" I asked with a smirk. "Jealous of what?" She asked sternly. "I don't know, you just seemed to come off a little jealous that's all." "Well I'm not Lauren, you two aren't even a thing so there's nothing to be jealous of. Are we done here?" Camila asked very aggressively. "I guess we're done here." I said.

"Camila!" A girl from a far yelled. Camila squinted her eyes and ran up to someone. She had dark hair and brown eyes with a darker skin tone. "Becca!" Camila squealed. The two girls hugged, and began to talk. Camila looked over her shoulder at me, she smiled and grabbed Becca's hand. She walked towards me with her friend by her side, "Lauren, Becca, Becca, Lauren." The girl and I exchanged glances and shook each others hands. The girl came off very sweet and you could just tell that she was funny.

"Alright, I'm just gonna tell you like it is, Lauren..you have a nice ass." Becca said. My eyes bulged as she continued, "pair of eyes." I began to laugh, "thank you, Becca. How flattering." Camila then explained to me how they went to school together last year and how she was relieved to room with someone she was comfortable with. We both ended the conversation on a good note, Camila walked towards me and said, "I'll see you soon, Lo." She gave me a nickname, I mean I was already used to that name because of my family, but hearing it from Camila made it into something different.

"Hopefully, Camz." I said. She blushed at my use of the nickname I had given her.

We both separated and I made my way towards my cabin. Today was the night before I get to begin my vocal lessons, and hopefully climb closer to my dream. I walked in to find Danica laying on her bed listening to music, I made sure not to sneak up on her again, so I made my presence known. She sat up as soon as she saw me, "hey, Lauren." She said as she pulled out one headphone from her ear. "Look, I'm sorry about Camila today.." I began, but she cut me off. "It's okay dude, I get it..ex girlfriend problems. Nothing to worry about." She said smiling.

"The weird thing is that she isn't my girlfriend or ex girlfriend at that." I said repositioning my hair with my hand. Danica nodded, "then what are you guys?" I said, "we sat next to each other on the plane to LA. We literally just met." Danica laughed, "okay, now that's fucking weird." I gestured to my bed, I wanted to get to know Danica more, so why not in the comfort of my own bunk? I sat down and she sat next to me, I grabbed her legs and draped them across mine, so it was like an intersection thing going on. I put my hands on her legs in a friendly way, and began to converse with my roommate.

"You ready for this?" I asked. "For what?" Danica asked. "For what camp has in store for us, like what does each and every one of us attending this camp have in store for their future." Danica looked into my eyes and said, "it seems like you're serious about this." I nodded and gave her a look, "aren't you?" "I mean, I'm doing this for a hobby, something to do over the summer, of course I would love to have a great future with this..I'm just super shy." Danica said. I smiled and shook my head, "don't be, it's more noticeable whenever you're shy while you're singing, rather than you giving your all. Keep that in mind, dude."

Finding Ourselves (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now