Patricia" I've left my bag"

Eddie"Leave it.Come on!"

Patricia" Denby's bag is in it!"

Eddie" Yacker!"

Charlie" Eddie, we need to go"

Fabian" We need to go"

We reached the hospital and entered through the door.

Eddie" Keep walking.Keep smiling"

KT then knocks a frame and it swings on the wall.


KT" I didn't touch it"

Charlie"Pretend like we're meant to be here"

A man then jumps in front of us.

Man"Can I help you?"

We all look at each other and then Eddie speaks up.

Eddie" Uh we're, we're here to see Harriet Denby"

Man"And you are?"

Eddie" I'm her nephew"

Charlie" And I'm her niece, Yep.You know.Good old Auntie Harriet"

Man"I see in there.On the right"

Twins" Thanks"

Man" Not that you'll get much sense out of her, I'm afraid.She's very disturbed, poor thing.Keeps talking about an ancient evil"

We follow the man's instructions and open the door to her room, she is sitting on a chair, wearing a thin nightdress and holding a book over her face.

Harriet" I knew you'd come"

KT" Sorry? I don't think we've met"

Harriet"No.But I know who you are. You are Robert's great-granddaughter.
The last descendant of the Frobisher-Smythes"

Hang on wait a minute, KT was Roberts great granddaughter.

KT" I'm not Robert's great-granddaughter or great anything.I'd never even heard of him until I came to school in England"

Harriet" But I presumed your grandpa would have told you.My father was a great friend of his.I had rather hoped he'd come in person, but he said you were up to the job. And he must have been right, because here you are.Robert's descendant"

Charlie" You're the real Harriet Denby. It's your picture Eddie and I saw on the website"

Harriet" I've lost my doll.Have you seen her? Sometimes she speaks to me"

I raise an eyebrow at Eddie.

Eddie" That's, that's nice.We have a teacher who's claiming to be you"

Harriet" Caroline"

Eddie"You know her?"

Harriet" All my life, unfortunately.She's my sister"

KT" Guys.You don't really believe all this"

Harriet then comes back over to us and hands me a photo which I take and we all look at it.

Harriet" Me and Caroline.She always hated me"

Charlie"You don't look alike"

Harriet"Oh, no, Caroline's adopted"

Eddie"That's our Denby all right"

Harriet"Caroline took my identity.Then she took Robert.Then she took my freedom and locked me away here.All the staff here think I'm crazy,Oh! Where are my manners? Please, have some cake"

She hands Fabian a tissue box and he takes one. When she has turned around he throws it away.

Fabian" Thank you"

Charlie" So why would your "sister" steal your identity?"

Harriet" To take my role as Keeper, of course.She wants to perform the ceremony.She wants the glory"

Eddie" So it's real"

Harriet"Very real.As is the evil that Caroline will unleash when she performs the ceremony"

Charlie"Because she's not pure of heart, how can we stop her?"

Harriet" Oh, you can't.It's too late"

KT" She's lying"

Fabian" KT"

KT" I'll be outside"

Eddie" I'm sorry"

My twin and I stay in the room.

Harriet" I'm Okay.

Eddie" We might not be able to stop her, but you can.If you perform the ceremony just like you were meant to"

Eddie's phone then rings and he answers but his face changes to a look of confusion. When he hangs up I look at him.

Charlie"Who is it, is it dad?"

Eddie" Patricia, something is wrong"

Eddie runs out asking me to stay with Harriet when he comes back he says we are taking Harriet with us.

Harriet" We can't just walk out.Believe me, I've tried.We've got no choice, okay?"

Eddie" It'll be all right"


Charlie" Okay, I promise, we'll take care of you, Just wait here, and I'll make sure the coast is clear, all right?"

Then my stomach drops and I see her. Its our Denby. I close the door.

Charlie" Yeah we have a problem"

Eddie" What is it?"

Charlie" Our Denby, is outside"

Eddie" We have to hide, quick under the bed"

Charlie" Well wouldn't be the first time I have hidden under a bed with someone else from a crazy women"

Story Notes
Okay so The Twins manage to get out of the tunnel, Sibuna find out that Miss Denby is not the real Miss Denby. The Twins, KT and Fabian head to the lake house clinic and meet the real Harriet Denby.

Authors Notes
Okay so this is where the excitement and drama is finally happening. It's all about to kick off. I must say I very much enjoyed writing past chapters and can't wait to post them.

Really hope you like let me know your favourite part in the comments.


Do you think the twins will make it out alive?

Thanks X

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