Patricia" So starts every horror movie ever, then she can definitely not do the ceremony of Anubis"

KT" What are we gonna do?"

Eddie"Only thing we can do.Tell the clinic to come collect their patient"

Patricia"Works for me.No unleashed evil and no more history lessons"

Alfie then pushes the door open.

Alfie" Okay, I just have one question.Are Victor, Sweet, and Denby zombies?"

All" No"

Alfie"Oh.Then I may have made a small error in judgment"

The next morning Eddie and I were walking into school, he had taken to phoning the clinic that Denby was registered at. I was walking alongside him as we headed for the history classroom. We entered and all of them were sat waiting for us.

Eddie" All right, just check again, Hello?"

He slots his phone into his back pocket.

Eddie" All right, so that was the clinic hanging up on me"

Patricia"Because they're in such a hurry to come and collect their escaped patient?"

Eddie" No, I wish. The nurse said Harriet Denby's there"

Charlie" Wait, So if they've got Harriet"

Miss Denby" Don't run!"

Patricia" Then who's that?"

After a another school day all of us are sitting on the couches and then Eddie jumps up.

Eddie" You know what? We need answers, right? And we're not going to get them sitting around here?"

KT" Where are you going?"

Charlie" Where do you think?"

Eddie" Shh.Get back"

We all dart back behind the wall as Victor comes in. When he has gone we all creep out into the hallway.

Charlie" Come on, we are going to the clinic, we have to, right Eddie?"

Eddie" Definitely we are going over to the clinic to see Harriet Denby or whoever she is"

Patricia"Well, you can't get off the grounds without passing the gatehouse, and if Denby catches you, she'll freak out"

Fabian"Yeah, and it's pretty late.You'll both never make it back before curfew"

Alfie"And your jeans are a bit scruffy to go visiting and yours too Charlie"

Charlie" Yeah that would be last nights tunnel adventure"

Eddie" All good points, all right? But you want to know another good point? A great evil is about to be unleashed by an impostor, okay? I'll risk it with the jeans"

Charlie" Me too just don't try to stop us, we've made up our minds".

Fabian" We're not.We're coming with you"

Alfie" Yes! Alfie Lewis, zombie hunter's back in the game"

Fabian" Ah, no, Alfie, maybe you should stay here, The place we're going, you start talking about zombies, they might not let you leave"

Charlie" Guys maybe we should discuss this as we run really fast out of here?"

We silently chorus Sibuna.

We creep along the edge of the wall. Eddie was watching out for Denby.

Eddie" Okay.Ready? Go"

KT, Fabian and I rush forward but Patricia stops.

The Osirian Twins (2) Where stories live. Discover now