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3rd person pov~

The wedded couple stand in silence ever since the wife talked, and let me tell you this is the first time that they argue, I mean all they do is fuck-

The air around them is tense as no one want to back down, the both of them keeping their ground

"Did I stutter?" The wife repeat, breaking the silence, "no. . . ." The husband mumbled while keeping his eyes at his small wife,

"So it's true? You did fuck that bastard" she press

"Yes. . . I did" the husband look down as his wife walk pass him, but stop at the open door

"I will go to Ahn's estate, either you like it or not. . . . Make sure you review your doing" the wife said mumbling the last part then she walk to the guest room, passing the room that the painter is given too, and since she's being bitter, she knock on the door

It took for a minute for the painter to open the door, and when he did,

Y/n pov~~

I look at the painter with an serious look, because I know want am about to do will not help me with my and Seungho fight earlier but I just have to do it, for him to learn his lesson,

"Y-yes?" He stutter as he let me in

". . . ." I look at him then at the floor and up again before walking towards him, with him backing up, til his back is against the wall,

"W-why are you getting closer?" He ask me as my and his chest almost touching,

"Did my husband. . . " I stop to see his reaction and I guess, he know what am talking about, with his widen eyes and horror face, "slept with you?" I ask slowly while bringing my face closer to him,

". . . .ahm. . ."

"Don't lie. . . You might regret it" I mumbled into his ears, then looking into him by the corner of my eyes,

". . .y-yes. . . I'm so sorry!-"

"No, don't apologize~ because I know how you can make it up to me~"




"shhh~~, don't make a noise"



I look at his flustered face when I said that, I don't know how long I been torturing him, but am no where done

"Do you like being step on like a whore?" I degrading him, keeping my bare foot on him,

"Hmmmm~~ y-eah~"

"Good~ cause that's not the only thing you'll get~" I said then standing up, removing my clothes one by one while keeping my gaze at him, then sit on his waist when am all naked like him, then lean down to my elbow,

"Will you extract the milk from this breasts? Seungho is usually the one does it but we got into a fight, so will you?~"

"Y-yeah, t-thank you for the meal~" he mutter by my breast before sucking on the the right one while grabbing the other one,

I sign at the feeling also at the relief because the pain is slowly disappearing as he continue,

And am purposely moaning really loud so Seungho would hear it, hehe serve him right, I mean two can play that a game,  what's the taste of your own medicine, must be tasty,

painter of the night FanFiction ( female reader )Where stories live. Discover now