Draco walks to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and soon enough, Blaise joins the embrace. With both my hands on each ones of their backs, I pat them with silent gratitude.

"I'm just really fucking scared of losing her," I admit with a crack in my voice.

Draco drops his head forward, "You won't lose Celeste. You've done everything to save her. You've cared for her more than anyone has. You've loved her. She'll be okay."

Blaise rubs my back in a comforting way, "Save the tears for the big day, yeah?"

I chuckle, "Sure."

"I always knew you two would end up together—"

Draco smacks Zabini's forehead, "Blaise, speech time isn't now yet."

"Right." His hand applies a pressure on my shoulder. "Go get your girl, man."


"Hey, Tori."

Glancing up at me from the book she's reading, Astoria offers me a bright smile. "That's a surprise," she beams, excitement clear in her delicate voice. She stands up, letting the book opened face down on the small coffee table. Her arms wrap around my waist and I engulf her in a warm hug. "I didn't know you were coming to visit."

I place a gentle kiss on top of her head and pull away, "I just need to ask Draco something. Is he here?"

She nods, "In the kitchen."

"Sweet." I smile at her and she rubs my upper arm before strolling back to the couch. "Thanks, Tori. Great to see you."

"Mmh, you too, Theo." She crosses her legs underneath her as she sits, glancing at me. "You look happy."

I can't help but widen my smile. My heart swells and I wink at her. "You have no idea."

When I enter the kitchen, my eyes land upon the blond, standing in front of his stove, hands on his hips as his brows furrow in confusion.

When he hears my footsteps coming closer, he glances at me as one of his eyebrows arches up. "I bloody hate cooking."

"You hate everything," I tell him in a low tone, sitting on a stool and leaning my elbows on top of the counter.

"True," he says and shrugs his shoulders. "What brings you here?"

Reaching the centre of the counter, I grab a few grapes and pop one into my mouth. "Just wanted to visit my mate."

Draco narrows his eyes at me, "You never visit. What do you want?"

I scoff, "Yes, I do. I always come over when I want some cuddles from Cookie."

Cookie is their cat. A rather big and brown cat.

"Where is Cookie, by the way?" I ask before throwing another grape in the air and catching it swiftly in my mouth.

"Who knows?" Draco rubs his temple, "Do you want to make lunch for me? I really hate cooking," he repeats in a desperate tone.


"Please?" He whines and throws his head back. Such a baby, I swear to Merlin. "You're actually a decent cook. I bet Cel's taught you some good stuff. How is she, by the way?"

you're all i want | t.n, d.mWhere stories live. Discover now