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CELESTE - January 1999

I've always loved the snow. Especially on Hogwarts grounds. Whenever this castle, the Black Lake, the courtyard are covered in thick layers of snowflakes, I feel happy.

Watching the horizon from the Astronomy Tower might as well be my favourite thing to do. Well, it used to be. I used to go up there almost every day, until Draco left.

Pointing at the stars, watching the sun rise or set, it was mine and Draco's thing.

We had our first date here. He told me he was in love with me here. We were so young, so naive, so hopeful that the future would never destroy what we had.

Look at us now.

It's a Wednesday evening. It's cold and snowing. I climb up the infinite stairs up to the Astronomy Tower as the sun starts to set down. Everyone is dinning, so I might be able to be alone.

But much to my dismay, someone is already there. Wind blowing his white hair, hands gripping tightly onto the railing, I feel like we're sixteen all over again when Draco told me about his task.

Draco hears my footsteps and turns around. His shoulders relax as his eyes land on me.

"I'm sorry. I can go." I mumble, wrapping my cardigan around my body.

He furrows his eyebrows, "Stay. I've been meaning to talk to you, actually."


I step closer to him as he turns back around to settle his gaze on the colourful sky. There are hues of orange, pink and blue. Sunsets are magical — a reminder that every day can end beautifully even if the clouds were dominant during the most part of it.

I stand a few feet away from him and lean a shoulder against the wall to support my bodyweight. Arms folded across my chest, I let my eyes close and feel the cold air hit my face.

"This is the first time I come up here since that evening." Draco says calmly.

I open my eyes to look at him to find his blue eyes already set on me.

I nibble on my lower lip, securing my cardigan over my body. "I haven't been up here since you left, actually."

Draco's throat bops as he swallows. He slowly walks towards me, his eyes flicking between my own. My chest heaves up and down as my body shivers because of the cold.

"I'm sorry, Celeste." He tells me, his eyebrows furrowing.

"About what?"

He inhales, finally owning up to his mistakes. "I fucked up. I treated you like shit. I should have never left."

My heart is thudding inside my chest. I don't know what to say.

"It's too late, Draco." I say above a whisper. The wind blows our hair away from our faces. "Why tell me all of this now? You—" I chuckle dryly, trying to look away but my eyes are glued to his. "You have Astoria."

Draco's eyes drop to look at his shoes. He takes another step towards me. Gently, he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, grazing his cold fingertips on my cheek.

I should push him away. I should tell him to go fuck himself, right?

But his touch makes me feel nostalgic. His touch brings back memories I can't forget.

His whisper caresses my soul like a lover's touch, "I miss you, Cel."

I feel my heart drop.

I frown my eyebrows and shake my head. His hand is cupping my jaw as the other comes to rest on the wall behind my head.

you're all i want | t.n, d.mTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon