Chapter 2 // The massacre at Hawkins Lab (2)

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I looked at him in confusion as he looked back, chest rising and falling quickly with heavy breathes. I noticed a small trail of red liquid that poured from his nose.
"Peter?" I questioned under my breath.
He smiled slightly, the glimmer in his eyes still visible dispite the blood which was smeared across his neck, which made him look frightening and murderous.
A sudden panicked voice started beside me, followed by footsteps, "Peter what happened... what were those screams?! Why is there blood on your neck-." She stopped in the middle of the room, as realisation struck her.
"Dr Ellis... Dont panic, this will all be over soon..." Peter ordered, his voice low and calm.
He started to walk fowards, slowly reaching his hand out towards Dr Ellis. My heart thumped against my chest and i could hear it in my ears. "Peter what are you doing? Whats going on?" I asked, taking a shaky breath. He continued to look his victim in the eyes, his arm stretched out completely. I watched as the doctor tried to scramble away, pleading for him to stay back.

"Just remember what i said earlier. Your safe... as long as you do what i say." He explained to me.
I opened my mouth to speak but stopped as i watched his arm raise slowly, his face concentrated, almost angry. His eyes didnt pull away from the petrified woman.
Her feat started to leave the floor, her body levitating slowly into the air. She gasped for breath as if something invisible was picking her up by the neck and choking her. My body started to tremble in panic as i instinctivly walked towards the scene. The small chokes which left Dr Ellis's throat were barely heard over the alarms which rang throughout the building. "Peter dont! What are you doing? Theyll hurt you!" I pleaded, inching closer and closer to them.
He frowned slightly and slowly, he turned his head towards me, his arm still out.
I was the only person that knew of the suffering papa made him endure whenever he had, 'stepped out of line'.

"Papa will never hurt us..." He hesitated before carrying on, "Or anyone... ever. again." It took a moment for his words to sink in before i let out a small, quiet gasp. "Now stand back." He demanded, his voice still emotionless and cold. My feet felt as if they were glued to the spot, my eyes stuck staring at Dr Ellis's panicked face.
He spoke again, this time with more force, "Stand back over there." Slowly i stepped backwards until my back hit the cold wall behind me.

My body felt stuck to the wall. I felt as if i was watching from behind a screen, as if this was all a movie. I wish it was.

Everything happend so quickly.
There was a sinking feeling in my stumach, the feeling that she didnt deserve it. That she was just another one of papa's brainwashed victims.

Her blood splatted around the room. Her eyes pulled fowards. The sound of bones snapping echoed against the walls. My hands flew to my ears, my eyes squeezed shut, not before i saw her limp body hit the floor in a crimson pile.

Everything suddenly felt quieter.

Slow footsteps grew closer to me, my breath quick and heavy. My body shuddered as i felt cold skin touch my hands, bringing them away from my ears. I hestinatly opened my eyes.
Peter crounched down, creating eye contact with me. I noticed the small drops of blood, splattered across his face and his white shirt. i moved my gaze over to the pile of limbs behind him. Her body was barely recognisable, bones facing in every direction. I turned back to peter, "She deserved it." He began, "Shes part of the reason why we're stuck in this place."
"She only did what she was told by that physco man." I say, defensively, however part of me understands what he means.
Peter lets out a breathy laugh, shaking his head, "The only way to take down the monster, is to weaken it. To take down every thing that strengthens it until its defensless." He pauses, "And thats when you kill."

I hesitated, opening my mouth to disagree until i remembered the night before. It was one of many, each time the punishment was more painful. The collar around his neck, sending sharp bolts of electricity, stabbing at his skin. His body jolting around in agony, trying everything to free himself.
And then there was the look of frustration on papa's face when he noticed the top of my head from the window. The feeling of his forceful hands grabbing me and dragging me inside the room. The click of the lock around my neck and the final seconds of silence before he pressed the button, sending peircing sparks to my skin. That night had been the first and only time i had been caught.
Suddenly, the unfortunate fate of Dr Ellis seemed right. She worked for him. She watched me scream in pain and did nothing about it.

I nodded my head, "I need them gone. Forever." I agreed. Peter smirked and started walking towards the door. The feeling of guilt had passed and been replaced by revenge. I followed him out and walked cautiously through the corridors of hawkins lab.
"How are we going to get all of the kids out?" I ask, trying to keep up with his fast pace.
He stopped at a door and turned around, "Stop asking questions. Get in there." He orders, opening the door to a storage room. I walked into the room to see another girl stood inside. "You and Eleven stay here. Dont move, im going to find a way out." He closes the door behind him as he walks away.
I look over to the other girl, "How does his have power-".
"One." She states, pointing at her tattoo.
"Number one?" I question and she nods in agreement.
Loud screams broke the silence and we both share a suspicious look and slowly creep out of the door and back through the halls, past the scattered bodies of the gaurds which lay on the floor.

We cautiously turned the corner, gasping at the scene infront of us. Papas body lay almost lifeless across the blood stained tiles. Red was splattered on the walls like paint. I turned to see that eleven had the same terrified expression as me.
We continued walking, passing childrens rooms. The kids lay on their beds, limbs facing the wrong way, blood dripping from their lifeless eyes. I felt my breathing get faster with panic as we paced through the halls, heading towards the screams. Finally, eleven pushed open the doors to the rainbow room, both of us frozen in fear as we looked around. The rest of the children. They all looked the same, almost unrecognisable through the blood. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.
And there he was, taking his last victim. The small boy struggled while his body shook and his eyes poured with blood, before falling to the ground. The lights stopped flickering and everything turned silent. He didnt turn around, he only wiped the blood from under his nose before he started speaking, "I asked you to wait."
My heart begins to beat faster and my breathing quickens too. I glance at eleven who quickly turns and runs towards the set of double doors, pulling them open, only for them to be forced shut. I run over, helping her pull at the handles. I knew it wasnt going to work, he was stronger than us.
I turned around while eleven slowly gave up on the door. 'One' walked towards us, his whole outfit now stained with blood and his hair slicked back.
He lifted my chin with his hand, forcing me to stare into his eyes. I noticed that the small glimmer had now completeley faded from them. He truely looked evil.
Tears streamed down my face in both fear and grief for the children.
"Why do you cry for them Six, after everything theyve done to you and eleven, Hm?" He asks. I turn to eleven who is shaking, tears also dripping down her small face.
"Oh but i know your just scared.." He says gently, his hand brushing against my face.
"I was scared once to." He continues. I move my head to the side, away from his hand and he hesitates before speaking.
"Dont you trust me..?" He asks calmly.
I keep my eyes locked on the floor.
"I said, DONT YOU TRUST ME?" He shouts in my face. I whimper and look up at him.
"No." I whisper, before pushing my hand out infront of me, sending him flying into the other wall and onto the ground with my powers. He quickly stands up, his face filled with anger.
"I told you that if you did what i said... you'd be ok." He starts, walking fowards. "But you didnt." He sticks his arm out ready to attack but nothing happens. Thats when i see elevens hand raised towards One. His body floating into the air.
"Run six, Ive got this!" She shouts. I hesitate for a second, "No, I need to help you!" I walk towards eleven, lifting my arm only for eleven to push it down.
She turned to me, "Ill see you again." Her eyes lock with mine, "Go..."
I shake my head, "No eleven i cant leave you." She turned back to one, usong all her strength to keep him in the air.
Ones body drops the ground as well as elevens. I fall to her side, "Eleven, come on get up!" I say shaking her.
"Yeah, eleven. Get up! Six is too weak to do this without you." The deep voice growls.
I stand up, anger flowing through my body.
"I will get out of here...With eleven." I throw my arm out towards him and One does the same. My feat slide backwards across the floor as his force over-powers mine. With one big push, he sends me flying into the wall. My head hits the tiles and everything goes black.

Authors note <3

Let me know how your feeling about this so far :)
I wil update more frequently now bc ive just had random motivation. Im not sure what to do inbetween the one year gap of this and season 1. I have some ideas but i would like to know what u guys think <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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