-Back to life... And it's reality-

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You saw that the monster didn't want to leave, it was just getting closer to you, you just closed your eyes and waited for that sweet death...
"Get away from her!" you heard someone's voice "I SAID GET AWAY FROM HER!" the person yelled again, after that you heard all three hilichurls running towards him, a few minutes later there was whining and gurgling, after that nothing...
"WATCH OUT!" the person yelled and picked you up, after that you heard a loud crash, the person went somewhere warm and light and put you down on the ground "Hold this" Kaeya said and put a warm towel on your head "Hold on while that the ice doesn't melt off your face, is that clear?" he said and patted your head, then he kissed your hand and softly said "everything will be fine, hold on a little longer" after that he left to fight.


After a few hours, or days, you woke up in a room. "It's good, you're awake" you saw Kaeya and you felt her holding your hand"How are you feeling?"Honestly, your whole body hurt, but you managed to say"ev....ev...everything hurts" "It's normal, but don't worry, it will pass in a few days" After that, a man entered the room, he had long green hair and a snake around his neck, he was holding a plate of soup in his hands" Is the patient awake- ooh it's good! You're awake, how are you feeling?" the man asked you as he approached you "you were lucky that Kaeya came by, but it doesn't matter, the important thing is that you are fine, here you go" he put the soup on the table "I'll leave you alone" he said and closed the door behind him. You remembered the moment Kaeya had to pick you up and run to the camp to save your life, you felt so embarrassed and miserable. You just put your head in your hands and wanted to disappear from this dimension. "What is it?" Kaeya asked you"I'm sorry about that, I thought everything was going to be okay and.. and.. then I just lost my way, and" one tear rolled down your face, you've never experienced this much panic in your life, you were just thinking about what could have happened Kaeyi because of your carelessness, Diluc also warned you... if Lisa hadn't given you that book, you wouldn't have survived, you felt like a retard." I'm sorry Kaeya... I'm sorry" you said and another tear rolled down your cheek, you couldn't breathe as you were holding back the lake of tears in your eyes so you soon started coughing."Hey..take it easy" Kaeya said, after that, he picked you up and placed you on his lap, now your head was on his shoulder, and you were crying inconsolably. "Easy..it's ok..don't worry...I'm trained enough for that kind of thing" he stroked your hair as he said that. "Come on, take it easy... everything is fine, the important thing is that you're alive, don't worry about me" he whispered in your ear and gently kissed your cheek...


The man with the long, green hair came in again and asked if you were in any pain "Everything hurts" was all you managed to say. "Don't worry, you'll be fine in a few days, I'm Baizhu, I run Bubu Pharmacy in Liuye and they called me for an emergency" "..I'm.. in Liuye?" "Yes you are, it was closer to them to bring you here than to go to Mondstadt," he said "What were you looking for on that mountain?" suddenly his snake spoke, and you clutched your heart in fear "AH! you... Your snake.. can talk?" ".. you've never heard of the adeptus?" she replied offended"Please..."Baizhu said"you are not an adeptus, I just taught you how to speak" "Whatever..." the snake said and snuggled closer to Baizhuh's body"It's better to leave her alone" he added and left the room, the whole time you were sitting like that and you were thinking about everything that happened... From curiosity to disaster, how did that work? It doesn't matter, the important thing is that you're alive and Kaeya is unharmed.. that's what matters to you.

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