-Librarian=New friend?-

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You went to the library to find some books, a woman stood in your way. She had soft features and a gentle, lovely smile.
"You're new here, aren't you?" she told you and smiled.
"Yes... I need help, is there any book that talks about masquerade balls?"
"You don't need a book, I'll tell you everything. you thought this was a waste of time, but you also wanted to see from someone's experience what it looks like, you need this woman, at least for now.
"My name is Lisa by the way," she told you and held out her hand
"Y/n nice to meet you"
"So what exactly are you interested in the ball?" Lisa asked you as you walked together to the library
"I'm curious, when exactly did it start and... how long has that tradition been going on and... I want to hear your experiences with that event" you politely asked her these questions
"Well, you see, here, our town is guarded by a dragon, we call him Stormterror, he has been protecting and guarding our town since time immemorial, the villagers have made it a habit to dress up as best they can and to put on their masks, they would dance in the hope that Stormterror would hear their prayers and give them luck, later the rulers took over the ball and every year it starts at 5 to 10 PM and ends at midnight. They have an excuse that it's because of the glorification of Stormterror and his powers, though, I think they are just wasting money" she said and laughed "Sure, I've had a good experience every time I've gone there, you might be uncomfortable at first, but, trust me, when you relax and decide to have fun, it will be the most wonderful night in the world." she said. Later you talked about other things, meanwhile, she made you a cup of tea and offered you some biscuits. Great! Now you have a friend, so another excuse to stay here longer. Mondstadt.... after all, it's not that bad.

Kaeya x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя