Question From @jala1pacy:

568 12 4

hello first you are one of the best people in the world!!!!!! Secondly i like many other am trying to write a book. What do you think is the most important part in writing a book? I also wonder how long did it take you to write your fist book? Did it get easier after the first one? i would love it if you answered any of these questions or a question like it thanks for your time and awesome books!!!!

Thank you, but I'm really not one of the best people in the world. I'm probably not even in the top 100 ;)

The most important part of writing is writing it. That's also the hardest and the easiest part. Just sitting there, putting one word after another and another, until the story is done. That's all there is to it.

I don't know you personally, so I can't say for certain, but it seems to me that the biggest struggle for most people is staying focused and to keep putting the words down, instead of checking Twitter or Snapchat or watching a movie or cleaning or whatever. Keeping the distractions out and your butt in the chair is the quickest way to write a novel.

It's been thirteen years since I wrote my first book, so I can't remember exactly how long it took. I want to say somewhere around 3-6 months.

It does get easier to finish a book after finishing the first book, but writing is still just as hard. I know that I can do it now, so I don't hit the same struggle I once did of, "Can I even finish this?" I've also learned a few tricks that make it easier for me, like outlining beforehand and taking lots of notes.

But I still struggle with the same self-doubt I always have. "Will this be any good? What if everyone hates it?" And sometimes, the words don't come so easy. That varies day to day. Some days I struggle to get hundred words on the page, and other days, I can knock out several thousand, no problem. It all depends on the day.

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