
He looked at me and smiled. He quickly pulled me in for a hug. "Thanks for helping her".

I felt my face go red as I registered what was happening.

He let go, hands still on my shoulders. I could help but let my gaze fall onto his lips.

I moved back, smiling weakly.

He left the room and I and Kaden crawled back into the bed.

"I might go to school tomorrow".

"Yeah, good idea Kaden".

She'd already missed nearly a week's worth of school because of our fight.

"Do you have a spare button-up? I got blood on mine".

"Yeah I have tons, might be baggy on you though".

I laughed, knowing we were both talking about our chest difference.

"I think I'll survive".


All due to the hangovers we all had, we barely managed to get to school before class started.

I didn't put my bag away, just managing to sit down before the morning lecture started.

"Miss Clyde, you're leaving early today".

I looked up from my blank notebook. "What?".

The teacher sighed and put his pointer on the desk. "Your father will be picking you up before the second break".

My father was Back. He probably wanted to talk to me, because of the mess I caused yesterday.


He picked up his pointer and resumed the lecture. I couldn't pay attention.

I couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of me going home. Back to my mum.

I copied down useless words from the whiteboard. Ignoring the banter between a student and teacher.

I couldn't focus.

"Jayden? Would you like to give your opinion on this?".

I looked up, panic visible all over my face.

"What was the question, sir?".

The teacher sighed and looked at the girl, standing near her desk.

"Our debate today was on abortions and contraception".

What the fuck?.

"We'll I feel anyone has the right to do what they want with their body".

The teacher raised an eyebrow. "Even if they're killing an unborn soul?".

I rolled my eyes at his reasoning.

"Sir you're a teacher so you would know, for a while the foetus is just a bunch of cells".

He looked at the girl standing, giving her a nod.

"It's a sin, god doesn't permit abortions or contraception. Just keep your legs closed".

I couldn't help but chuckle.

I stood up from my chair, taking a seat at my desk. Glaring at the girl.

"Not everyone is religious. And about keeping your legs shut, is it true Kimberly that you sucked off adam in the science room? I'm sure your god doesn't permit his followers to give head".

The class erupted in laughs, leaving Kimberly red in the face.

"You're just waiting for Cameron to like you back!".

If We Were Liars Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang