"You should practice more. How does flying feel?"


The green caterpillar nodded repeatedly.

It could not deny that it had indeed felt wonderful.

It was a completely different feeling from when it bounced up with only its tail.

By using the threads as support, the green caterpillar had managed to cover a much greater distance, and in turn enjoyed longer air time. To some extent, it did feel like flying.

"Very good. Now that you're starting to control your soul power, do you feel any changes?"

Wang Che asked.

The green caterpillar did not respond. Instead, it simply stood in place and began to focus on the flow of soul power within its body.

The special threading technique earlier had made it realise something.

Gradually, a faint hint of soul power emerged from the green caterpillar.

However, the smoke-like matter only appeared for an instant, before dissipating quickly.

Wang Che's eyes lit up when he saw this.

"Not bad. It seems like you can already control the release of your soul power. Although it doesn't last long, you've already taken the first step. As long as you continue training like this, you should be able to grasp it sooner or later."

The soul power that it manifested had to be densely concentrated and remain attached to the body.

Otherwise, it would not be able to boost the green caterpillar's strength.

Upon checking, Wang Che had found a soul skill called Harden.


It was a ten year soul skill that many mountain rock type soul pets knew.


This type of soul skill could be used to control soul power and condense it within the body. As a result, the soul pet's defense would be greatly enhanced.

Nevertheless, it was quite different from simply releasing soul power. With this soul skill, the soul power manifested would be very concentrated as it envelops the user's body, making it look like a layer of armor.

In addition to providing a boost in defense, Harden would increase attack strength and speed.

"Don't connect your soul power to your entire body just yet," Wang Che instructed. "Try it with a single part first, like your tail."

The green caterpillar understood his words very quickly this time.

This was because it understood that the other skill it learned, the Rumbling Tail Strike, involved controlling soul power within the body before gathering it at the tail. Then, by forming a posture that circulates the soul power, the green caterpillar's body would erupt with immense power.

Harden however, required the gathering of soul power external to the body.

Naturally, they were completely different things.

Yet, they did have something in common.

After a moment, the green caterpillar began releasing its soul power and concentrated it all on its tail.

Indeed, it was much easier now that it focused on enveloping a single body part.

However, it was evident that the soul power gathered was still not condensed enough. After a few seconds, it fizzled out and dissipated quickly.

On top of that, it wasn't possible for the green caterpillar to control too much soul power yet, which means that the skill would not increase its strength by much.

Still, they were on the right track.

Despite its failure to master the skill, the green caterpillar was excited.

It was all very intriguing. Whenever the little one used the Rumbling Tail Strike, its tail would emit a faint glow due to the condensation of soul power in the body.

Now, when soul power was being manifested and wrapped around the tail, it looked like it was covered in a layer of faint flames instead, making it even more dazzling.

It was quite unfortunate that the green caterpillar hadn't been able to use the Rumbling Tail Strike at the same time, since it was quite curious to see what the tail would look like when the two soul skills were combined.

Though it would not be very powerful at the moment, it would definitely be faster and look even cooler!

Seeing this, Wang Che felt somewhat relieved.

Though the green caterpillar was still a beginner, it had managed to grasp this concept.

However, to see more consistent and better results, it would have to train more.

As long as it stuck to its current course, the green caterpillar would be able to learn the basics of the Soul Armor Haki within a week.

Just like that, Wang Che and the little one stuck to basic training in school during the day. At night, they would train to use the "Soul Armor Haki".

Until... seven days later...


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