Shlok: Hey PG, missing me!

Shehnaaz scoffed: In your dreams..

Shlok: off course you will be in my dreams..

Shehnaaz: "Ahhh as a ghost coming to terrify you" downplaying his flirtatious advances.

Shlok: if you are Ghost I am ready to die to be in your world.

Shehnaaz was stunned hearing him.

Shlok: can I call you if it's okay?

Shehnaaz wanted to talk to someone, to be with someone away from work and career discussion... to be away from her melancholy.
She was in dilemma to answer him when his next message caught her eyes.

Shlok: Don't worry you can share with me,think me as your personal diary.

This triggered Shenaaz and she immediately called him.

Shlok: you cannot stay away from me, isn't?

Shehnaaz: Shlok you know right I am married. I don't want to complicate our lives.

Shlok: how does your martial status comes between my liking and fondness towards you.

Shenaaz: I am 5 years older to you dammit.

Shlok: doesn't affects me, does it to you ? Just go with the flow. There is no wrong in having affection for each other.

They spoke about their past, present everything for more than an hour. Before saying bye Shlok said something which made Shehnaaz pensive.

Shlok: I am there with you. You are a beautiful soul. I like you a lot and respect you. I would love if our bond remains like this or grow more. You are important to me. Bye PG, Take care..

This is what Shehnaaz was fearing. He was saying all right things and Shehnaaz wanted to hear this right things from Sidharth. She started getting apprehensions if their distance will become cause for Shlok's closeness to her and what will happen if she falls for him and fall out of love from Sidharth. She drifted to asleep thinking all this dilemma.

Sidharth came around midnight finding Shenaaz sleeping in their patio swing. He was trying her number from last half an hour getting busy tone each time. He checked her phone recent call records.  He was surprised seeing Shenaaz dialed Shlok's number and the conversation was long. He put her on bed tucking her inside warm comforter. His eyes fell on her cellphone Lock Screen. It was a picture of 3 years back when they had been to Goa.  A picture speaking volumes of love between them. They hugging each other with their nose tips touching amidst the sunset backdrop was such a stunning visual and emphasizing their closeness. It felt like this picture was taken centuries ago. They didn't go anywhere post Goa trip nor even a short day trip or to their parents. Things changed exponentially when he got recognition of Employee of the month award from his management team. His dream of going high up in organization started taking shape. Sidharth started pondering where was Shehnaaz in this last 3 years. He don't remember he asked about her career or cared to ask her whereabouts.

Sitting down in a relaxing chair with wine in his hand he started recollecting last 3 years. How he would come late to home to find Shehnaaz up and waiting for him. Initially he was pleased but later it replaced with irritation leading to fights. He don't even know if she had dinner those days when he was late.
It was her Birthday and they had planned to spend time at amusement park her favorite place. They could never make it as he was pulled into last minute luncheon meeting organized by the top bosses. He couldn't say no to them. He was paving great secured future for his family and the cost of losing Precious time spent with Shehnaaz. This thought stuck him. She had started taking music lessons to pass her time but stopped after few months.
On asking her the reason she had said I am not enjoying it anymore.
Sidharth started thinking deeply and realized how he would yell on her because her music class and weekly meeting with on-site team were colliding. Did she left it to give me space he wondered.
Shehnaaz's phone beeped with message notification.

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