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Hi Good Morning, her Organization Insta Messenger sent an alert.
Shehnaaz: Good morning Shlok..
Shlok: How are you doing? Can you join me for coffee?
Shehnaaz: I have some presentation to prepare.
Shlok: You will eventually present it to me so no worries join me for coffee and share your ideas.

They went to the coffee booth made for the employees. She was wearing black sheath dress , high pony tail and high heels. Still she couldn't reach up to Shlok's shoulder. Shlok looked down to her smiled and said in her ears, "can I say you are looking beautiful"

"I am married" stammered Shehnaaz.

Shlok started laughing, "okay!! point taken BUT you are beautiful" he winked and went to his cubicle.

Shehnaaz blushed profusely returning to her desk. Wait a minute! Why I am blushing she pondered, she should be angry.

Sidharth entered to amazingly smelling home. He got a whiff of Biriyani, speciality of Shehnaaz. He was in a happy mood today. He was conveyed he was getting big position and big fat salary. The announcements will be made in upcoming open house followed by luncheon.

Wow, Biriyani !! Amazing! Exclaimed Sidharth..
Shehnaaz: I know right
Sidharth: So my news of promotion spread like a fire I see.
Shehnaaz was taken aback: oh! Yeah I mean no I don't know about it. I made Biriyani as Shlok wanted to have something special made by me.

Shlok?? Sidharth asked with one of his raised eyebrow.

Oh I haven't told you about him right . He is my manager but young to us. He is smart, funny with great management skills. He is having such amazing sene of humor and he is such a good cook. He is loner but invest time in reading and cooking. Such a charmer he is.. Shehnaaz reminisced Shlok in awe.

Sidharth was observing her. "When did he joined"?

Hmm, two weeks back I guess. Okay change and come for the dinner.

Sidharth was tad taken aback. He had never seen Shehnaaz praising another guy in front of him. Aahh he is young no worries.

He changed into night dress and was combing his hair when Shehnaaz's phone beeped with WhatsApp message. He peeped into to find notification from Shlok. Curious he opened the app.

Hi PG ✋🏻

Shehnaaz was setting up the dining table humming her favorite song. After a long time he was seeing her in good mood, what was the reason behind he wondered . Settling down he said, "You got a message from Shlok, didn't meant to pry but it was in front of me so caught ny eyes" - why was he even explaining her? They use to share credentials to their personal emails and phones , not a new thing.

Shehnaaz got startled, she knew Shlok's flirtatious nature. Dreading she asked, " oh okay what he wrote, anything important?" added casually.
Nah!! Just Hi PG!! Who is PG?
Relieved she laughed, "God knows, he loves calling names to everyone or May be he sent to a wrong person". Why was she lying? Shlok was strictly professional with everybody else, she was exceptional. She has started liking his outgoing nature , enjoying his attention and low key his flirtatious approach.

She was applying moisturizer when her phone beeped.
Hi , Good night ! Can't wait to taste your Biriyani PG ;-)

She smiled and deleted the message. Why??

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