Ch. 48 | Tord's Blessing

Start from the beginning

"Eight-hour flight." Edd leaned back. "Well, good night, guys." Matt groaned, regretting his decision to be the bigger man. "I'll drive us back," you offered. Edd and Matt cheered, Miles proceeded to not care, and Tom snickered quietly. You flicked his forehead. "I can fly a helicopter. I've been getting kidnapped and flown around in them for, like, ever," you snorted.

"Yeah, okay," he stuck his tongue out at you. "Just go to sleep." You kissed his forehead, and that was pretty much it. He dropped dead on your lap and started snoring. "Alright," you looked into the box with the T.B's. You suddenly felt like leaping out of the helicopter. This was it. This was the end of the apocalypse. Once you gave the Purple Army the cure, they would give it to everyone in the area.

- Time Skip. Again. Idk man, just kill me -

So there you were, plummeting off the helicopter. You were holding the box with one hand, and wrapping an arm around Tom with the other. You both froze before you could splatter on the ground. "Why do you always wait until the last second?" You complained. He dropped you on your feet. "Miles!"  You reached up. He stared down at you, eyes wide. "Um, is this safe?!" He shouted.

"Probably not, but we need to move!" You shouted back. Tom, whose eardrums had shattered, collapsed onto his side. Miles looked skeptical. "Fine, Tom, can you catch him?" You helped him to his feet. He groaned. "After you just permanently damaged my hearing abilities?" He muttered. "Thomas, I will damage more than your hearing," you spat, narrowing your eyes at him. 

"Well, that's convincing." Tom looked up at Miles. "Just jump, kid!" Miles did not jump. Edd jumped into the seat beside him and gave him a polite nudge. Miles screamed as he did five flips on his way down. "I'll haunt you, Gould!" He shouted. "Okay!" Edd shouted back. You could see his grin from down where you were. Miles froze halfway down and started floating towards the ground.

You lifted an eyebrow at Tom. He smiled back at you innocently. You caught him lightly in your hands. "Alright, Miles, let's go." You led him around, trying to find the Purple Army. They had a knack for being unclear with directions. You sighed and patted Miles' head. "Tom, do you know where the base is?" Tom rolled his eyes. "Who do you think I am, Jesus?" You folded your arms. "That's ironic, coming from a Jehova."

He snorted and looked around. You wandered to his side, gripping Miles' wrist. Miles looked slightly embarrassed. "I'm ten!" He spat. "Someone has to look after you," you answered, letting him go anyways. "Over there," Tom piped up. You and Miles turned to where he was looking. There was a school in the distance. 

"That's a school," Miles pointed out. "It's their base," Tom answered, dragging you and Miles over. You shoved him off and strutted into the base casually. There were soldiers everywhere, all watching you with slight hostility. You grabbed Miles' wrist and pulled him closer to you. Tom shuffled away from you before you could pull him closer as well.

You tugged his sleeve. "Where's the leader?" He looked around again. "Um... Right about..." Tom looked around. "There," he focused on a room at the end of the hall. You sighed. Of course. "Okay, come on," you pulled Miles along, and Tom followed awkwardly. You knocked on the door and dragged Miles in front of you. "Doesn't this guy speak English?" Miles complained.

"No, we had a translator for her at the meeting," you explained. He sighed. A tall guy opened the door. He had the same uniform as you, but the hoodie he wore underneath was purple. You entered the office gingerly. Tom glared at the guy, making sure he didn't try anything. The Purple Leader sat at her desk, hair up in a bun. She looked bored. "Zdravstvuy, Krasnyy Vozhd."

"She's saying hi," Miles whispered. You nodded. "Just get to the point, tell her that we have a cure and need her to give them out to the people in Russia." He inhaled and looked at the leader levelly. "U nas yest' lekarstvo, i nam nuzhno, chtoby vy razdali yego svoim lyudyam," Miles said. The leader leaned forward.  "Chto ya poluchayu ot etogo?" She asked.

Miles scoffed. "This is the chick in charge?" He whispered to you. "Why, what'd she say?" You asked, not taking your eyes off her. "Let's play nice, yeah? That guy can speak English," Tom snapped at you two under his breath. You and Miles decided to play nice. "She wants to know what's in it for her," Miles grumbled. You sighed.

"Tell her that she won't lose any more soldiers," you answered, placing the box on her desk. "Ty bol'she ne poteryayesh' soldat," Miles told her. She looked thoughtful, then she nodded. "Eto zvuchit spravedlivo, cherez paru dney vse eto vyydet," she answered. Miles smiled. "She says she'll have them out in a couple of days," he told you. "That's great!" You high-fived, then regained your composure.

"Blagodaryu vas," you said to the Purple Leader, saluting. "I thought you didn't know any Russian?" Miles asked when you exited the base. "I just know how to say thank you," you snorted, letting go of his hand. His expression softened. The helicopter was on the ground, and Matt and Edd were having a conversation. You rushed over to them. "Did you do it?" Edd asked urgently.

"W-We did it!" You choked, struggling to contain your excitement. "Yes!" Edd tackled you in a hug. Matt and Miles joined, crying out happily. Even Tom was happy. This nightmare would be over in a couple of days. You could lead a normal life. You could be with your friends. You could be with Tom. You smiled and closed your eyes. This would all be over. -

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