Ghost Fight

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     You stood there in a mixture of shock and horror, staring at the three ghosts in front of you. "Gh-gh-ghosts!" You yelled. You just couldn't believe that floating before was one of the most infamous horror creatures. Chills went down your spine thinking back to the horror movies you've seen. What can these guys do to you?

Grim came walking over, hearing your screams. "Hey, keep it down over—" He cut himself off with a scream of his own. He can now see why you made such a ruckus. "GHOSTS!" He yelled. "GHOOOOOOSTS!"

"All the people who used ta live here got scared of us and ran away." The short ghost explained.

"We just want a new ghost to play with!" The fat one said. "What do you say buddy?"

Your heart jumped into your throat. "They're gonna kill me..." You mumbled. Grim shivered in fear and yelped. He tried his best to mask his fear.

"I'm a master sorcerer!" The creature said. "I ain't afraid of any dumb ghosts!" He yelled as he cast his flames. They missed the boney ghost by a thread. Before the flames could hit him, he disappeared and reappeared near them.

"Nuh-uh. Not even close." He taunted.

"Over here! Over here!" The chubby one said, giggling at the end of his sentence.

Grim let out a growl. "They keep disappearing and reappearing!" He stated before setting more blue flames aloft. He had his eyes closed and set them off in a random direction. The whole dorm will be nothing but ash and debris if this keeps up.

"You're gonna set the whole dorm ablaze!" You shouted.

"Shaddup! I don't need any lip from you woman!"

"Maybe the headmage will let you enroll if you get rid of them? It's worth a shot to achieve your dream!"

He thought about it for a moment, he wasn't paying attention to you, just how he was missing the troublesome trio. "I'm Grim, master sorcerer!" He muttered. "How come I can't even hit one of these little—"

The two living beings jumped in fright when the spirits appeared, surrounding them. They cackled at the the frightened faces. Grim let out another growl. "Ganging up on us... Yer a buncha cowards!"

"Maybe I can help." You said. You activated your quirk and created a dagger. You weren't sure if a superpower would have any effects on the ghosts but it was worth a shot. The other four stared at you in shock and amazement. You used the opportunity to strike the nearest ghost, the short one, in the head. The ghost only began laughing at the feeling in his head. The air around your hand became very cold. Almost cold enough as Todoroki's ice.

"That tickles!" He said before disappearing with the other two. The creature growled at their escape. For a moment he stared at the dagger you held.

"You woman!" He said. You looked at him. "You tell me which way the ghosts are! And you better explain what that thing you're doing is!"

You nodded and saw one of them reappearing on his left. "On your left!" You yelled, pointing your dagger at its direction. Grim breathed fire in its direction. The boney ghost screamed in pain. It hit!

"It buuuurns!" He howled.

Grim stared at him for a moment in awe. "Ha, got one! Keep it up, just like that... and let's clear out the whole lot of 'em!" He said. You nodded and began to keep a sharp eye out. It took some trial and error as the ghosts came back faster that you thought they would but it worked. Soon you and Grim were hitting them like pros would.

     "Quick, ten o'clock!" You said. Grim let out a battle cry before blasting a wave of fire at them. All of the ghosts screeched in agony. It was too much for their undead souls to bear.

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