Chapter 3: Human Village

Start from the beginning

"Auntie Wanda says you two were just like, Zing!"

"I don't know from 'Zing'. Where did you find that card?"

"In one of your drawers." He admitted guiltily. "Why won't you ever tell me about how you met?"

"It's actually Hawaii." Dracula corrected him.


"Look, son, I know you're excited, but everyone has gone to great lengths to come see you on your birthday." Dracula told Maven.

Maven sighed and turned toward the window. "I know, they always do." He transformed into bat and sat on his suitcase. "But aren't I getting a little old for these parties? I love them, but I really wanna see new things. Maybe meet somebody my age."

He started pouting.

"Come on. No, no, don't do that. Don't give me the pouty bat face." Dracula crumbled. "Okay, there is a human village just a little ways past the cemetery. You could go there and be back in like, 30 minutes or so. It should be plenty for your first time."

Maven sighed. "Well, it's not Ha-wee-wee, but I guess it's still technically out there. Okay, okay, okay." Mavis agreed.

He carried his suitcase back inside and got rid of the Hawaiian shirt and hat. He walked up to his Dad and threw his arms around him.

"Thanks for trusting me." He said.

"Of course, my little one. I gave you my word." Dracula patted his back.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Murray, Wanda, Wayne, Frank, Eunice, and Griffin entered the room.

"Hey guys." Maven greeted.

"You excited about tomorrow?" Frank asked.

"Not as excited as I am right now. You're not gonna believe this, but Dad is letting me go out on my own to see a human village!" He announced.

Everyone protested, and Eunice pushed her way through everyone. "Excuse me, Drac. Have you lost it?"

She pulled Maven into a hug. "Letting your own son out there with those horrible humans you always tell us about? That's why you built this place."

Eunice held Maven at arms length. "They hate us. They're vicious. And they're very loud!" She yelled loudly.

"Auntie Eunice, maybe they've changed. I'm just gonna fly down the street and see how it goes." Maven promised.

"Okay honey, be safe. Bring warm clothes and a sword." Wanda told him.

"And look out for pitchforks." Griffin warned.

"Don't you let anyone scoop your brains out either." Murray added.

"Maybe just stick to the shadows. It's more fun to just observe from under a house." Wayne said.

"Guys, guys. He can handle it." Frank cut in. "He's a Dracula for Pete's sake. But seriously watch out for fire. Fire bad."

Maven told a deep breath and walked up onto the window sill. He turned back to all the monsters.

"Bye everyone!" He waved, before jumping out of the window.


Maven fell down the wall of the hotel and transformed into a bat just before he hit the ground. He flew above a lake, dragging his wing into the water before flying high above the tree line.


Frank stood by the windowsill watching. "Drac, I can't believe how calm you are about him leaving. I'm proud of you."

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