Chapter 1: Welcome to Gravity Falls

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Y/N Pov

I'm driving my car trying to find a new place to call home since I can no longer call my previous one that anymore. I've been driving for what seems like hours and I can't handle it.

"Alright, the next town I see, I'm staying there," I say frustrated.

After a couple of minutes, I see a welcome sign that reads "Welcome To Gravity Falls!" I take a sigh of relief and continue driving to the place that might be my new home.

Small Timeskip

I pull into a motel, park my car, and walk into the lobby. I see an old lady sitting behind the reception desk and I walk up to her.

"Hello, can I get a room?" I ask her.

"Certainly. How many nights would you like?" She questions. I reach into my pocket and pull out the rest of my remaining cash.

"How much could this get me?" I ask her. She looks at the amount of money and tells me around two weeks; I agree and she gives me my room key. 

I walk to my room and enter it. It's not anything special, just a bed, bathroom, and a couple of other things. I jump on my bed and lay down. "I'm excited to see what's going to happen" I mutter out before falling asleep.

Next Morning

I wake up after having one of the best sleep I've had in a while but that's not saying much because I've been sleeping in my car. I perform my morning routine and walk back to my car.

"Time to see what this city is all about," I tell myself before I start driving around. 

I see a lot of stuff like the town center which has a statue of someone, a town diner, and a police station. I eventually pull up to a building called the Mystery Shack which has a large "NOW HIRING!" sign above the door.

"I could use some money right now," I think out loud before I walk up to the building and enter.

The first thing I see is 2 kids running around the shop, a boy with a white and blue cap with a tree on it and a girl with a rainbow sweater on. I then look at the cash register and see a cute redhead that looks around the same age as me napping.

"Umm, excuse me" I greet the girl. She groans and shifts positions, still not looking at me. "Hello?" I greet again.

"Ugh, what do yo-" She starts saying but stops as soon as she sees me. "Cute" She mutters out.

"Thank you," I said while chuckling. She starts blushing after realizing she said that out loud.

"Sorry" She apologizes.

"It's alright, it's a compliment" I reassure her. I then continue with my sentence "Anyways, are you guys still hiring?" She looks at me with an excited face.

"Yeah, most definitely! Let me get my boss!" She says before she runs into an employee-only room. After a couple of minutes, she comes back with a man with a stubbly beard and a fez (Stan's Hat).

"So you want to make me money!" The man questions me.

"Yeah, I guess" I  respond. He laughs and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You're hired! Now go sweep the floors!" He yells at me. He then walks back into the employee-only room while laughing.

"That was fast," I think out loud.

"It was the same for me," The redhead girl says to me with a chuckle. "My name is Wendy, and that was Stan." She informs me.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you," I tell her.

Wendy x Male Reader (Gravity Falls)Where stories live. Discover now