~Chapter 3: Coffee day!~

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Kunikuzushi sat at the booth of a cafe table with a few other guys. A few booths named Venti, Xiao, Aether, and the kid from the project he had to do, Kazuha.

The waitress was taking their orders and that's when Kuni bothered to look at the menu.

Kazuha asked if a cold coffee and Venti wanted something fruity, also while making a comment on wine and some man named Diluc.

"Expresso." Said a dull voice that belonged to Xiao and then a more perky voice asked for the same thing, that was Heizou.

The rest of the orders were placed. Once the waitress was gone a conversation took place and Kuni didn't comment on it but he had his opinions.

"Hey I know a mall nearby, y'all wanna go?" The same perky voice from earlier asked.

"Sure" "yeah I guess" "I'm up for it" "ok." Nods. (--what the fuck, y'all need to start shootin shots at me for this cringe. I'm disappointed in you)

Since they already payed the walked out following Heizou down a couple of blocks to a mall.

"Hey we should go in pairs! That way half of us aren't bored in the same spot.. we can meet back up around 9:00 at the food court?" Aether suggested, probably just wanting to catch alone time with one of the guys.

Heizou shrugged, "sounds good.."

"Ok, I'll go with Kuni then—" Venti started before he was interrupted by Aether elbowing him and Kazuha starting his sentence.

"Well you know, you and Xiao haven't seen eachother in awhile! Maybe you should catch up!.. I'll go with Kuni."

Xiao was out of the loop, but at the same time he didn't mind. "I just work here" he said plainly as his words were overlooked by the passing conversation.

Kuni shrugged, "I don't have the energy to care who I'm going to walk around this place with, I just want a pretzel."
"Same." Xiao said, now both of them are being over looked by the fleeting conversation.

Aether had shooed everyone off into pairs. Venti with Xiao, Heizou with him and Kazuha and Scaramouche.

Before they disbanded he was able to catch on that they were trying to set up both Venti and Xiao, so Aether and Kazuha had pushed them to be alone together and Heizou was trying to get them to see the sparks between each other with the occasional comment.

"Well, why don't we look around?" Kazuha asked Kuni who seemed to be staring off into space as he deciphered the situation.

No, I stopped rewriting after this point and just changed my old format style which was ass.

Actually that plan changed, I just saw something written here y'all should've bullied me for.

Words: 461

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