My favorite dog breed is corgi! I love them a lot, they're very fun! I had a moment where I really, really wanted a corgi, but my parents had refused. Now that I think of it, I wouldn't have been able to take care of the poor thing on my own, so they would have been the main ones taking care of it. Makes sense now! Haha!

Anyway, I noticed your bag today. What is your favorite starter Pokemon? Mine is Charmander! A little cliche, I know, but I can't help it! He's my favorite color!)


You flatter! But yes, the note was very cute, just like always!)"

Paige smiles wide at the note. His admirer certainly did have a tendency to ramble, but it was so cute! And the joke was cheesy, but Paige loved cheesy.


Paige is getting ready for bed, Teds all warmed up and him with clean pajamas on. Time to write his reply note.

"I think the joke was silly! It made me smile a lot! ...It was a little cheesy though. Heehee! If you think facts are easier to write, you can do that again. I like learning things!


My favorite starter is Eevee, just like my bag! Your favorite is cool, though! My friend OJ's favorite is also Charmander, actually! He told me yesterday! Maybe the two of you could be friends? Whenever we meet of course! What's your favorite Pokemon ever? I think mine is probably Alolan Vulpix!)


I think all your notes are really cute, too! I can't tell you how excited I always am to receive them, really! So, thank you for starting this!)"

There we go. Perfect. Paige folds the note and slips it into his bookbag.

There's a knock at the door as Paige is climbing into bed. "Come in!" he calls.

Quinn enters the room. "Hello, my little book of Paiges," she smiles softly. "You wanna talk about yesterday?"

Paige sighs, cuddling up to Teds. "I may have told everyone about Dad and then talked about how I almost died in almost the same exact way on Saturday?" he tries, awkwardly smiling.

"Paige!" Quinn gasps. "You can't just say things like that!"

"I didn't realize it would be a weird thing to say!" Paige defends. "I thought OJ already knew about Dad so I mentioned it off handedly... and they asked about Saturday so I just told them!"

"Oh, baby..." Quinn mumbles, coming over to sit on Paige's bed. "Honey, you've got to be a bit more conscious of the things you say, alright? I know you're a bit..." She glances to the side. "...Air headed, but this is new for you."

"I guess..." Paige mumbles, feeling bad.

"Hey, hey," Quinn is quick to move over and give her son a hug. "I never said that was a bad thing. Just... try and be more present to the atmosphere." She sighs. "I know it isn't easy, lord knows it's not, but nothing beats a failure but a try, alright?"

"Alright," Paige nods. "I'll try."

"That's my boy," Quinn smiles. "Now get you some rest, okay?"

"Okay. Goodnight, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie." Quinn plants a kiss on Paige's forehead before standing and leaving.

Alright, then. Starting tomorrow, Paige would try his hardest to be more present.


Wake up, do the dailies, text OJ on the way to school, give Brandon the note and then wait for Lunch. This was the start of Paige's Tuesday.

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