Willa cleared her throat as she and Wade held out their wrists. "Wade and I had our commitment ceremony 6 months ago. Things have been so busy that the timing never felt right to tell all of you. So, surprise?"

Cheers filled the room once more.

"Congrats to both happy couples." Zevon smiled.

Walker nudged his brother. "Way to go bro."

Wade smiled sheepishly and wrapped an arm around Willa's waist.

"Now we have three weddings to be excited for." Bree grinned. "Wynter, have you and Walker picked a date?"

"Not yet." Wynter replied. "Its soooo hard to decide."

Walker sighed. "Yeah, we've basically picked everything except a date."

"Ziva and I have planned our wedding for 6 months from now." Bucky beamed. "Its going to be huge!"

"Everything usually is with you Bucky." Addison chuckled.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Bucky pouted and Ziva patted his arm sympathetically.

"Why don't we leave the new family to get settled in?" Missy suggested.

Zevon nodded. "I agree. There will be plenty of time for visiting in the future."

Dale handed Kenzie back to Addison and gave his daughter a hug. "We're so proud of you both."

"I know dad." Addison replied, hugging him back.

The two of them waved goodbye as everyone filed out of the house. When the door finally clicked closed, Zed sighed in relief. "Alone at last."

"It was nice to have them here though." Addison admitted. "We're lucky to have so many people supporting us."

"I know." Zed agreed, kissing her temple. "But sometimes it's nice to be alone."

"Yeah." Addison nodded as the doorbell rang.

"No!" Zed groaned, falling back against the couch. "We just got rid of them."

Addison laughed. "Here, take Kenzie and I'll get the door. I'm sure whoever it is won't be too long."

Zed took Kenzie in his arms. "I hope not. I'm looking forward to having my girls to myself."

Addison chuckled as she walked over and opened the door. Her eyes widened when she found Dr. Andrews, Dr. Hazel and Zeke on their doorstep.

"Hello Addison." Dr. Andrews greeted. "I hope you don't mind a home visit. We were going to stop by the hospital last night but an emergency came in last minute."

Addison shook her head. "Not at all. Please come in. Your family is always welcome here."

The three of them walked inside and Addison led them into the living room.

"Zed, we have some special guests."

Zed looked up from playing with his daughter and waved. "Dr. A, Dr. H, The Z-Man, good to see you."

Dr. Andrews smiled. "Hello Zed, fatherhood looks good on you. How have you been?"

"Doing well." Zed replied. "Physical therapy is slow going but at least my upper body strength is improving. That's been helpful for when I transfer myself in and out of my chair."

Dr. Hazel nodded. "Have you seen any improvements?"

Zed sighed. "No. Sometimes I get a wierd sensation in my legs but it comes and goes. The docs think it's just phantom pains from the accident."

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