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No one saw him after that incident, it was like he disappeared into thin air.

I had no time to look for him, he's my rival. Why would I help him out?

I went up to the rooftop to take a breather.

As soon as I stepped foot, I saw papers flying all over the place..I pick one up and noticed Sunghoon's name.

I look up to see him on the edge of the rooftop. He was just standing there leaning onto the railings with a frustrated look plastered on his face.

I wanted to get out of there but he looked like he needed someone right now,

His uniform was all wrinkly and there were opened buttons. Clearly, he had a tantrum earlier.

"Hey, buddy..." I cringed as I walked up to him

He looks at me and covers his face..

"Were you crying?"

"What are you doing here, L/n?"

"Hey, this is my spot. You took it away from me." I snapped

He turns around and stares at the view.

"I'll let this one slide because you're upset." I said and handed him a drink

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked


"You were here for 4 hours?" I asked

"Yeah.." he said drinking the juice box

"Why were all your stuff on the floor?"

"I threw them out of rage," he said and his forehead started to bleed

"Oh my goodness, you're bleeding!!"

"What?" He asked and tapped on his forehead

"Oh.. I'm fine.."

"What do you mean you're fine?? Here, let me do it." I said and quickly took out my wipes before he could wipe his forehead with his bare hands

I wipe out his blood and sweat from his face. He look tired, famished, and depressed. He still looks amazing but you could tell something's wrong with him.

Sunghoon looks at me as I wipe off the blood. I take out a bandaid and place it on his wound

"Stare all you want, but I have a fee." I smiled

"I'm not.." he said and looks away

"So, are you gonna tell me why you're here in the first place?"

"Long story.."

"That was kinda harsh what you did to Mr. Hung.." I said

"Yeah, I really have to apologize for that..I must have let out my anger towards everyone.." he said and looks at me

"I'm sorry." He said

"For what?"

"For everything, hating and picking on you for years must be very hard for you."

"Nah, I've dealt with you for a long time. I've gotten used to it." I said

"I never wanted to be rivals, but I really didn't want to dissapoint my parents. They're the reason why I was super competitive. And you're the reason who drove me insane because of how academically inclined you were."

"My parents told me if I wouldn't become class valedictorian this year, they'd disown me."

"That's crazy! I'm so sorry to hear that.." I said

"As much as I want to believe that it's fake, unfortunately, it's true. My parents can be very extreme when it comes to my grades."

"I never knew this side of you, Hoon..thanks for telling me.."

"Yeah..sure.. don't know why I'd open up to my rival but it feels good that I did.." He said

"Don't worry, they're just saying that because they want what's best for you."

"Or maybe what's best for them financially.." he mumbled

"But yeah..... if my parents wouldn't have forced me to compete with you, I wouldn't have stopped liking you."

I realized what he said and looked straight at him.

"You liked me??"

"Wasn't it obvious? I've liked you since 7th grade..then I stopped when you said you only saw me as your enemy."

"Oh yeah, well. That made me realize, that I had feeling for you as well" I said and his face lit up

"Wait what?"

"Yeah..I thought it was just a phase and I'd forget about it after 8th grade but i-"

I suddenly felt his lips on mine.

My rival, kissed me on the lips. The Park Sunghoon kissed me on the lips!!

Sunghoon lets go and smiles,

"No wonder, you get flustered every time I looked at your direction." He chuckled

"Y-Yah! I never lost my confidence because of you, jerk! You'll always be second.." I teased

"Oh yeah? Let's have a deal then..if I become Valedictorian, I can court you." He said without hesitation

"And if I get to be Valedictorian, you must dance to the funniest song during graduation." I said and he laughed

"A deal's a deal!" He said and offered a handshake

"May the best man win!" I said


𝑬𝑵𝑯𝒀𝑷𝑬𝑵 둘 | ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏɴᴇ-ꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz