Aliyah Brimstone, Lady of the Manor

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Born from the halls of Lord Henery's manor, lived a girl, who has one mission in life, inherit her father's land after death with the success of seducing a husband along with producing offspring.

She never liked the idea of it actually, marrying someone so that she was able to inherit her father's land. Heck, she might even be bought into an arranged marriage into someone else's family and she has to marry him at that moment and start to produce offspring on their wedding bed on the same night. That would be madness and if it ever happened, she would run away from home, or in her preference, she would rather catch the Plague.

"Aliyah Brimstone, can you hear me?" Aliyah snaps out of her thoughts by the sound of her friend's sweet serenading voice.

"Oh heh, sorry dear Lilith, I think I'm just caught up the thoughts at the moment" They both laugh and giggle as they walk through the village where Aliyah's father rules.

"Oh my Aliyah, look at this scarlet fabric, this would look best to be worn at festivals, don't you think?" Aliyah chuckles and looks at her friend and smiles as she still admires the scarlet fabric that laid on the table on the merchants stall.

"Well, pay for it and make a beautiful dress, it will be very beautiful that the Queen of England could envy the clothing you wear with such beauty and grace" They both laugh as Lilith pulls out seven silver pennies and gives it to the merchant. The merchant scoffs and throws the pennies back at Lilith.

"What the FUCK?" The merchant scuffs again and Lilith looks at the man with such anger on her face.

You see, Lilith Florez was not one to be messed with, this was something that the merchant was about to find out, in the hardest way of course.

"Do you know who I am you sinful piece of SHIT?" The merchant once again scoffs and turns away from Lilith, arms crossed...The merchant is about to meet the Lord...

"I understand that you don't know who I am due to your body language, but I know you... Merchant Henery Laurens" The merchants eyes widen and his arms droop to his sides.

"That's right, you better be shocked, I am Lady Lilith Florez, daughter of Lady Brooke, the same Lady Brooke that had you tortured and made fun of because of a fucking scam, you sinful piece of SHIT" The Merchant's brows were sweating and he fell to his knees and got on all fours

"My Lady Lilith...please...misericordia..." Lilith scoffs and laughs at the merchandise who was sobbing on the ground on all fours.

"Misericodia? Me? Hah, that's funny Henery, what's next? I ask my father and my mother to welcome you into the manor? Wine and dine with them too? Hah, that's bull SHIT Henery. Henry sobs quietly as Lilith's face calms down.

I should bring you my fathers manor and tell him on what you did...but, since my manor is quite far at the moment, I will spare you and I will still take the fabric for the same seven silver pennies that I gave you, which is also the seven silver pennies that you threw at me" Henery stands back on his feet and Lilith throws him the seven silver pennies and grabs the fabric from his stand.

"Wow Lilith, that was intense" Lilith looks at Aliyah with a smile.

"Oh that was nothing, let's go back to the manor and enjoy some tea shall we?" They both smile and head back to the manor.

Lilith Florez was the daughter of Lord Louis and Lady Catherine in a nearby manor that landed east of Aliyah's family manor. They met at a party that was hosted by Aliyah's father and after that night, have been best friends ever since and they also did everything together. Nothing they did, they didn't do together.


It was in the peak of the nightly darkness when Aliyah was preparing to rest after a long and eventful day, but you see, she was about to reccive something even more eventful.

"My dear, may I come in?" Aliyah turns from her vanity and stops brushing her hair.

"Yes mother, you have permission" Aliyah's mother opens the door and comes in, closing the door. She finds herself walking to the edge of Aliyah's bed, sitting down on the sheets that covered her bed's mattress.

"Is there something you would like to tell me mother?" Aliyah's mother looks down and stretches her hand out to Aliyah, signaling her to hold her hand.

"Aliyah, my most precious daughter, I know you are against such monstrosity on being sold into marriage, but your father is desperate for you to find a husband" Aliyah's eyes widen and her breath started shaking. Aliyah stood up, hands and body shaking. She runs up to the balcony and grips onto the stone railing hard, trying to catch her breath, but her breath was hitching in her throat.

"Aliyah? My dear are you okay?" Aliyah didn't respond, she felt a rising feeling in her body, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

"How could you?!" Aliyah's mother looked upset, guilty even that she would allow her daughter to be put into an arranged marriage.

"My dear, I had no choice, your father made that choice, I was just there and-"

"I doubt that father had anything to do with this, he knows that I have always hated the idea of an arranged marriage, and swore to me that he would never arrange me into one" Aliyah shouts. Aliyah catches her breath and soon tears fell down her cheeks as her mother looked at Aliyah with teary eyes.

"Father never breaks a promise. Knowing that you have arranged me into a marriage, will lead to me doing this..." Aliyah's mother looks at her, tears rolling down her face. Aliyah turns around and her mother saw nothing but a face wet with tears and full of anger and betrayal.

A look that is given when a daughter felt betrayed by her own mother, the woman who came to raise, know and love her.

"Just because of this, I forbid to talk with you after this conversation... I love you mother, but all I feel is betrayal at the moment" her mother's eyes and face fell wet with many tears as she left the room quickly.

When Aliyah turned back around, she saw nothing, her mother was no where to be seen. She sat on the sheets of her bed as she remembered the words of her mother.

Sold into Marriage...

Desperate to find...

A husband...

Those words alone left her face wet and soaking in tears. She laid back in her bed, covering the sheets over her, trying to drift to sleep and try to forget the fact that she is, unfortunately, In an arranged marriage.


It was the peak of dawn when Aliyah was awoken by the sounds of the servants and pages of the house. It sounded as if they were rushing all over the manor. Allah jumped out from under her sheets and put on her shoes.

Aliyah opened the door to find Lilith, who had just came out of her room.

"Are you alright Aliyah?" Aliyah nods and Lilith clicks her tounge and grabs her hand, dragging her towards the way that the servants and pages went running through.

"Come on Aliyah, let us see what is happening, why are all these servants and pages running?" Aliyah and Lilith run down the halls, down stairwells and finally, the catch up to a group of servants in the kitchen grabbing what seems to be towels and herbs.

"Maids, may I ask what is happening that must make you so loud that made us wake at so early in the dawn?" The maids bow and one of them bursts out with the news.

"My ladies, the dear Lord of the Manor, has fallen ill!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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