Ruy Kicks Gisela-And Lives

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Ruy is online.

Ruy: GUYS!!

Alvar is online.

Brant is online.

Gethen is online.

Glimmer is online.

Umber is online.

Umber: I'm awake now, hit us with your drama.

Ruy: So I may have accidentally kicked Gisela in the head.....

Alvar: did WHAT

Gethen: Lmao you're dead. 😵💀☠🪦⚰⚱⛪🔔💐🥗

Brant: What color flowers at your funeral, buddy? 😂

Glimmer: Sheesh. 😳

Umber: Serves you right.

Ruy: How kind. 🙄

Ruy: Anyway, before both she and Fintan come hunting me, I must announce something.

Umber: Spare us the dramatics and spit it out already. 🙄

Ruy: I know how to change the chat names. 😈

Alvar: Oh sh*t. 🫣

Ruy: Mwahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa

Gethen: SO he can change our names to whatever he wants. 😒

Brant: Terrifying.

Ruy: Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Umber: The only thing terrifying is that laugh, you wuss. 🙄

Brant: 😑

Ruy: 😈😈😈😈😈😈

Ruy has changed Alvar's name to Alvy.

Ruy has changed Gethen's name to Gethie.

Ruy has changed Brant's name to Branty.

Ruy has changed Fintan's name to Fintanny.

Ruy has changed Glimmer's name to Glimmy.

Ruy has changed Umber's name to Umby.

Ruy has changed Trix's name to Trixy.

Ruy has changed Ruy's name to Ruyy.


Ruyy: Fine.

Ruyy has changed Umby's name to Grumpy Umby.

Ruyy: Close enough.

Alvy: 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Grumpy Umby: If Fintan and Gisela don't find you first, I will. 🔪

Ruyy: Oh, right!

Ruyy has changed Gisela's name to Grisly.

Ruyy: Also close enough.

Gethie: You do realize she is going to PULVERIZE you, right? 🤨

Glimmy: Yeah, it's only a matter of time before she logs onto the chat to find you....

Branty: 🍿🥤

Ruyy: Don't remind me. 🙄😤

Ruyy: But Vespera will be Vespy if she can ever figure out how to log in. 😄

Ruyy: And none of you go near a mirror to summon her.

Gethie: Yup, she'll end you for that one.

Glimmy: Nice knowing you, buddy.

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