Final Selection

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"Alright Kanao lets split up if we stay together there is a higher chance demons will try to kill us" he said. Kanao nodded and they split up but still headed east.

After a while......

"I can see you. Come down here" A demon jumped out of a tree to his right.

"How did you see me, and why do you have 2 scents."

"one, none of your business, and two I'm half human half demon. You dumb-nut."

"How? No matter, I'll kill you anyway."

"Try your best." 

The demon rushed Hoshi. It tried to use it's claws to attack but he blocked it easily. Using one hand holding his sword he blocked every attack.

"This is sad." Hoshi said

"How are you blocking me with one hand."

"How many slayers have you eaten?"


"Two things, pathetic and UNFORGIVABLE"

"Star breathing, 7th form: Gamma ray." 

"GAH! What breathing is that?"

"Star breathing: 9th form: last light" The demon's head flew off it's body.

"That, my friend, is Star breathing" Hoshi sheathed his sword and walked off heading east

 -----7 days later-----

"Hey Kanao." He said walking over to Kanao. She smiled.

"Great we both survived."

After the "scene" happened 

Hoshi was about to go home when he saw Tanjiro.

"Kanao you go to the mansion I'll be right behind you." She flipped her coin and ran off. He said and walked over to Monjiro

"Hey Tanjiro!" Hoshi closed his left eye

"Oh, hey Hoshi."

"That was awesome, did you actually break his arm."

"I didn't, but I'm glad to see you survived."

"Thanks. You too Gonpachiro"



"Who's that girl your always with? Is she your girlfriend?"

"No no no no. She's basically my sister. Her name is Kanao."

"Oh, nice."

"I have to go. See ya.

"Bye Hoshi." Hoshi ran a few steps and stopped.

"Say hi to Nezuko for me!" And he ran off.

-----At the butterfly mansion-----

"Oh hey Kanao" Said Aoi. Kanao smiled and nodded.

"Where's Hoshi?" Kanao flipped her coin

"He's still at Final selection."

"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!!! Is he alright?!" Aoi yelled. Kanao flipped her coin.


"Alright. Great."

"I'M HOME" Hoshi voice yelled. Aoi walked over to him and hit on his head.

"OW! What was that for?" He said 

"That's for making me worry."

"I didn't know you COULD worry" She hit him again

"OW! STOP!" She hugged him

"You're an official demon slayer now. Good job."

"What no kisses." She hit him AGAIN


"Good night Hoshi."

"Goodnight Aoi." They went to their rooms nod went to sleep. Hoshi laid in his bed.

"Goodnight mother and father."

I'm not hinting I am an InoAoi shipper. 

If I was in demon slayerWhere stories live. Discover now