What Happens in Vegas

Start from the beginning

2237hrs and Scott had suggested they make it strip poker. Steve found it strange that not a single person protested that. Especially considering, as far as he knew, most of them were straight men and there were only three women there.

2239hrs and Thor had pressed the first glass of Asgardian mead into his hand.

Steve tossed the drink back and looked around at the others. Clint was shuffling the deck. He'd been in charge of that since they started playing. Everyone liked how he could do trick shuffling. Steve had lost the first round of strip poker and his jacket was now hanging on the back of the chair.

2252hrs and Steve had now lost 4 hands, and one of the two women had lost another. Steve had stripped himself of his shoes, socks, tie, and belt. Natasha smirked at him and signed something under the table at Clint. Clint laughed and nodded.

"What are you two up to?" Steve asked.

"Nothing," Natasha said innocently. "Why don't you have another mead? Thor?"

"Yes! Fine idea. Here, my friend!" Thor roared, clapping Steve on the back and pouring more mead into Steve's glass.

2316hrs and there was a knock on the door. A few others had lost items of clothing. Natasha's jacket was now on the back of her chair. Tony had slipped his glasses into the breast jacket of his suit. Both of the other women had taken their shoes off. Steve was now completely shirtless.

Bruce got up and opened the door, and several trolleys of different kinds of food were wheeled inside. The spread was enormous and could feed everyone in the room for a week. There was pizza, mini hot gods, wings with several different marinades, and meatballs on one trolley. An array of seafood including shrimp, oysters, and crabs legs was laid out on another. One just contained desserts, a chocolate fountain sitting in the middle of it.

That did remind Steve of you and he pulled out his phone and sent you a text.

That did remind Steve of you and he pulled out his phone and sent you a text

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"Put your phone away, lover boy, and stop taking naked selfies,"  Tony said, snatching the phone from Steve's hand and putting it into the breast pocket of his jacket

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"Put your phone away, lover boy, and stop taking naked selfies," Tony said, snatching the phone from Steve's hand and putting it into the breast pocket of his jacket.

2353hrs and Steve was very drunk, down to his underwear, and suddenly very sure that Clint had been rigging his hands to lose.

2359hrs and he found out why. There was another knock on the door and Tony, Sam, and Thor all jumped to their feet. Tony went to the door while Thor pulled Steve into the middle of the floor, and Sam followed with one of the chairs. Thor sat Steve in the chair and Tony pulled the door open.

A man and woman stood side by side. The guy was huge and dressed in a cheap-looking costume based on Bucky's Winter Soldier uniform. All the way down to a fake metal arm. His hair was long and hung in his eyes, and when he saw who answered the door, and who was now sitting in his underwear in the middle of the floor, he startled like he was sure he was about to get into trouble. The woman was slight with long dark brown hair and wore a dress that had large plastic candies stuck to it. She didn't falter at all she strutted in, and went straight for Steve.

"You must be the lucky guy, huh?" she said, booping Steve on the nose. The Bucky wannabe followed in after her, still looking slightly hesitant. "When's the big day?"

"In two weeks," Steve answered, looking up at them both.

"You can get up to so much trouble in two weeks," she teased.

Tony laughed loudly. "Yeah, like this guy knows how to get up to trouble?"

"Are you kidding me, Tony?" Sam protested. "Steve is nothing but trouble."

"What do you think, sweetheart?" the dancer said, bending over Steve and putting her hands on his shoulders. "Are you a good boy or a bad boy?"

Steve swallowed hard and the tips of his ears turned pink. He opened his mouth to say something. He wasn't sure what, just any word that might be a suitable answer to that question. The only sound that came out was an indistinct croak.

"Oh my god, I think you broke him," Rhodey laughed.

"Well, I'll have to see what we can do to rectify that," she said.

0014hrs the Bucky dancer went to the stereo and docked his phone with it, turning on some music, then the two dancers began their routine. They took turns grinding in Steve's and each other's laps. They groped and moved against each other. They danced in perfect sync, sliding between each other's legs, and removing each other's clothes. By the end of the routine, Steve's mouth was dry and he was thinking about anything at all that could drive off the erection that had started to form. The group applauded and Tony gave them both a large tip. He invited them to stay too, but they refused. Steve attempted to thank them but once again he blushed a deep red and stumbled over his words.

0107hrs the group moved to the hot tub. Tony brought out cigars and they sat smoking in the hot water, everyone on some level of drunk - ranging from mildly tipsy to completely smashed.

"Thank you for ordering that Easter basket, Tony," Steve said, with a slight slur to his words.

Tony clapped him on the shoulder. "You're welcome, Cap."

"It's funny ya know. Bucky and I were great before that. Really happy. Then we met her and now we're really great and we have her," Steve mused.

"Okay, pal. I think we might need to cut you off," Sam laughed.

"No..." Steve said, dragging the word out. "I'm fine."

"I'm afraid there is little choice, friend. We have depleted my supply," Thor said.

"Oh no," Steve said quietly, which made everyone roar with laughter.

0247hrs on Saturday everyone moved back inside. Those that had the sense, made their way to the bedrooms. The rest, including Steve, sat on the couch talking until they each passed out.

1023hrs and Steve slowly pried his eyes open. He was asleep leaning on Sam's leg. Clint and Natasha were somehow both draped over him and each other. Clint had drooled on Steve's chest. There was a knock at the door and Tony - who was already showered and dressed in a suit, went and answered it. Trolleys piled high with breakfast food were wheeled in and the smell of bacon, eggs, toast, and pancakes filled the room.

Slowly the people on the couch sat up groaning and blinking around the room.

Saturday, 1924hrs EST the Quinjet touched down on the landing pad of the Avengers Tower.

1941hrs and Steve slumped through the door of your apartment. You and Bucky were sitting cuddled up watching TV. Steve just collapsed down on top of both of you.

"Never let me go to a party hosted by Tony Stark again," he groaned.

Bucky started laughing as he carded his fingers through Steve's hair. You rubbed his back soothingly. "You looked like you had fun at least."

Steve looked up at you startled. "What?"

"Oh, we got texted a lot of photos. A. Lot," Bucky said with a smirk.

Steve groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Oh, god."

You laughed and leaned down to kiss him. "Good news, Steve. 2 weeks," you said, pulling back.

He looked up at you and Bucky. "Can't wait."

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