10) Element's Body

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*Inmo's pov*

So David isn't joining us this time around, but Mario was dragged in. The guild leaders said it would be fun for Mario to finally meet miss P like I did. So here we are, Lucas leading the way as Mario looked around curiously and also carefully.

"We're almost there." Lucas said and Mario looked at us.

"So you guys have been visiting this lady a lot? Is that why you guys came back with weird effects?" Mario questioned and I nodded my head.

"We drink the liquid, then we get effects, then boom!" I said while my body moved to make gestures like explosions so having my arms shoot out excited as I started to pick up my pace.

"Ya each time has been different. You don't get bored" Lucas chuckled as we got there. Miss P was there with two cups, but when she saw Mario she had a slightly surprised face.

"Oh? We have someone new" she said as she went and grabbed another cup and poured the tea in setting it down.

"Umm hello my names-" Mario started but was cut off

"Oh I already know who you are earth boi. Come come." Miss P said and Mario followed our lead and sat down.

I immediately grabbed the tea and drank and then coughed a couple of times. It was spicy again. Why the heck does it always have to be spicy for me. Mario looked at me then at the tea with a questionable look while Lucas also drank then gave a weird face.

"Oh god why does it have to be salty? Ugh." Lucas said as he stuck out his tongue.

"Mines spicy!" I cried trying to fan my mouth until Miss P came over and took a spoon of yogurt and put it in my mouth which made me feel better.

"Umm.... I don't know about this." Mario said

"Come on you have to try it out too." Lucas said also taking a spoon full of yogurt for a different flavor

"Come on earth boi" miss P said and finally Mario took a deep breath and drank it before giving a fine look.

"Taste like mud." He said enjoying it slightly.

"See not that bad." Miss P said with a chuckle.

Lucas sighed as he got up and started walking before being wobbly and I could tell he was about to pass out but I passed out first falling backwards as I felt my body feels extremely hot almost like being on a fire place the flames licking my body, but it wasn't painful. Well looks like we'll be finding out this effect pretty soon.

*Miss P's pov*

I watched Inmo fall backwards, but I had quickly gestured to my animals and one caught him making sure he was laid down nicely. Same with Lucas since he was the next one to pass out, but I grabbed Lucas and pulled his body to a sort of medium sized kids pool leaving him in there while Mario had a confused look.

"Don't worry it's nothing bad I promise." I said as I got Mario to get up and lay down for easier transition as he also passed out or fell asleep.

I smiled as I heard crackling and I looked at Inmo who's body was turning red with fire as small pops came off of him because of his combustion. The popping should stay low as long as he doesn't freak out, but just in case I should have my animals out of the way. Which I did, I moved all the animals and even shooed away the one trying to drink Lucas, who's body is now completely water.

I huffed as I looked twords Mario who looked like a a nicely shaped mountain or something around that, or a rock golem. Which ever one but this will be nice, I'm sure they'll enjoy themselves. Hopefully not lose themselves in anything. Especially Lucas I wouldn't want him jumping into water and then just not being able to reform himself which is bad because that can be counted twords death. So he stays in the little pool.

I sighed as Inmo sneezed sending out a firecracker as he sat up and blinked before looking at himself a shrieked a bit before a shot of water came from Lucas as he looked at Inmo. Inmo hissed ad he backed away behind a tree.

"Alright boys be nice to each other" I said looking at Lucas who was a lovely light blue color, sort of glowing as half of his body had manifested. His arms rested on the side of the pool as he turned his head twords me.

"So this is your new thing for us?" Lucas looked at his hand and sighed before Mario groaned moving.

"Don't worry you'll only be like this for a couple of hours." I said taking a sip of my own special tea

"Wait two hours? I don't wanna be on fire for that long!" Inmo cried as Mario looked him.

"I.... What the heck is this!?" Mario yelled looking at himself.

"Your earth, Puddles is well... A puddle, Inmo is a firecracker. If Brandon was here we could have completed the main four elements" I said amused as Lucas sighed with a groan like sigh

"Great so we better make ourselves comfortable then..." Lucas huffed and I sighed

"I don't wanna be stuck here." Inmo said with a frown and I looked at him. I've been mentally noting a lot of things about the group I get. Mario seems to be handling things decently but Inmo isn't doing to good and Lucas seems.... Uneasy. I'll have to keep watch because who knows what'll happen.

"Wait what if Lucas takes us back?" Mario asked and I huffed

"Nope! Lucas isn't leaving that tub. He goes into the ocean with no practice with his new body then you can bye bye to him."

"Huh!?" Lucas looked at me scared as I huffed

"Your water, a drop of water in the ocean is hardly ever seen again." I said as I sipped my tea and Lucas sunk down and just stayed.

"Don't worry I'll go make a reverse." I said as I walked away and I heard Lucas said a thank you while Inmo and Mario sort of argued with each other about something completely random.

It took a moment but I made the tea and well Inmo and Mario could still drink but for Lucas I simply poured some in and I waited as slowly Inmo stopped burning as the fire left his body. For Mario the rocks fell off as he shook his head

"Ugh that wasn't pleasant." Mario said and Lucas huffed as the water was turning back into his physical body slower then the others.

"Ya and we do this on a daily welcome to our life" Lucas seems to be in a not so great mood.

"Well! I'll see you all in a couple of days get lots of rest." I said cheerfully

"A couple of days?" Inmo asked

"Yup, now go rest." I said going into my cabin.

I watched them all talk for a moment while Lucas finished reforming and fixing his clothes. They all left and I sighed, before thinking about some fun ones to do. Honestly there's some that haven't been tested so maybe I'll try them out. Maybe.... Probably

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