6) Baby Guild Mates #2

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*Brandon's pov*

Ok so David is the biggest one Inmo is the middle one and Boat is the smallest one. Inmo is energetic but shy David is outright like his demon causing chaos and Boat is calm but fusses if he's not given some attention after awhile.

So right now I'm holding Inmo and David because Ritchie told me "see how you like holding David" because I was complaining at him about carrying David wrong while he bundled him in his shirt. David is a force to deal with but I'd like to see Ritchie try to hold Inmo like the explosions on this kid are like tiny fire crackers.

"You know I think maybe bringing Mario, Kit, maybe Tapio would be nice?" Ritchie asked as I handed him David.

"We give Kit David and we give Mario Inmo." I said and Ritchie have me a look before smiling.

"Then we get Boat." He said and I nodded

"I'm going to get them." I said leaving Inmo on the bed. Since Ritchie got to get baby items for them leaving me with all three it's his turn to watch all three while I get the guild members

Once I got Kit and Mario I brought them to the bedroom we're Ritchie was trying to calm down Boat and David. He handed me Inmo who I gave to Mario and I picked up Boat while Kit awed at Inmo. Mario was very confused and gave Kit Inmo or tried to.

"Ah no Mario Inmo is your's to deal with I'm not putting Kit with him because fire and explosions can get dangerous fast." Ritchie said and Mario sighed holding Inmo was giggled at him.

Ritchie held David and gave him to Kit and he slowly started calming down.

"So I'm taking care of David, Mario has Inmo and you two get Boat?" Kit asked and I nodded

"Feel free to get Tapio for help as well if you really need if or if absolutely necessary me and Ritchie can help watch him but we do have paper work that needs to be completed for the Gmg and Boat is calmer than the other two so it'll be easier for us in the long run to complete the work." I said and Mario and Kit nodded understanding.

"Good luck." Ritchie said as they left

"Well then Boat your going to be hangout with us." Ritchie said and Boat blinked at us and I smiled.

"I will admit this wasn't scheduled but he's cute looking as a baby." I said with a smiled and Ritchie nodded his head in agreement.

*Mario's pov*

Ok so I'm sitting here with David, Inmo, and Kit. Inmo and David were admiring the grass, which funnily enough they won't sit on without a blanket. It's like they purposely avoid it and it made Kit laugh.

David poked Inmo and Inmo slapped David's hand which made him upset and he put his hands together but it quickly reached over and sperated them so he did cast a spell and Kit was telling Inmo not to do that. It's probably not going to help out much.

I soon let go of David and he hugged as he flipped forward putting his arms out and started to standing up but fell down. Kit was with amusement as David never gave up with standing and soon enough he did and Inmo attempted the same but he took less trys which is surprising to say the least. Then again he has a tail which is cute because when he's happy it like wags or something.

David was like overly confident all the time and Inmo was confident but when he tripped and fell he started crying and when I picked him up he clung to me.

I gave Kit some ideas if things go do such as take David and put him next to the flower bed. Not in them because I'm very certain he would freak out. David funnily, but also not to surprisingly, just went and smelled a flower being like overly careful not to bend it to much or even make anything move.

He then went and picked up a shovel and a seed packet he had left because he needed to get to Miss P. He walked over to an open spot and then shoved the tool into the ground and pulled on it almost falling back then he went and pulled out some seeds and careful put one in the ground before putting the others back and he pulled the dirt over the spot he put the seed.

Soon the sun started to set and me and Kit went to Ritchie and Brandon with David and Inmo who had fallen asleep.

Ritchie was asleep with baby Boat on his chest and Brandon said he would have moved him if it wasn't for the fact that Ritchie has a hand over Boat.

We set Inmo and David on a very big bed because knowing how things around going to go they turn back into their adult selves in the morning. Brandon left their clothes close by and he thanked us and we took out leave. In all honesty the interaction was small but it was interesting.

*Ritchie's pov*

After we let Kit and Mario have Inmo and David I went to the office to work on paperwork with Brandon. Boat was quite only fussing when he was hungry. Brandon kept him on his lap and Boat grabbed the cloak that Brandon's wearing and chewed on it a bit Brandon had to take it away a couple of times to avoid it getting to damaged but I noticed that Boats clingy.

"So you think things will be all good in the morning?" I asked and Brandon looked at me.

"I'm sure it will be in some way or another." Brandon said as he looked at Boat.

"I would say I'm surprised he isn't freaking out about us not being his proper parents but then again me may still have memories of us so he could be fine with us." I said and Brandon looked at Boat and Boat looked at Brandon.

"I can see that. I mean this is miss P's tea we are talking about a lot of things could happen." Brandon said and I sighed.

"True." I said before finishing paperwork.

As night came Brandon gave me Boat and soon enough I was laying on my bed with Boat asleep in my chest. I smiled as I slowly began to doze off and I heard voices of Mario and Kit but I fell asleep.

God I didn't realize how extremely awkward and embarrassing it was going to get in the morning.

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