5) Baby Guild Mates

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*Inmo's pov*

Ok so we finally got our magic back which is honestly is really nice since I like having explosions. David made an ice statue of himself to hug just to feel the cold again and Boat simply wore his shoes again. It didn't seem affect him like David or me and or he's just that good at keeping calm about this whole thing.

Well besides that we got to Miss P's place and there was a tan colored tea. We got the tea and all three of us took our respective cups and drank. It tasted bitter, but it was ok, it had some fruity flavors hidden in it or at least it was an after taste.

"Huh that's interesting." Boat said as he finished

"Ya what's up?" I asked and Boat looked at me.

"Oh it's just the fruity aftertaste it's not what I thought it would be that's all." Boat said and I nodded

"Tea is tea and I'll never trust it." David said and I almost wanted to laugh, but I just snickered to humor David.

"Well I geuss now we have to wait for the tea to take affect." Boat said and I nodded as we all went to our usual spots.

Boat always goes and sits at the edge of the river and David sits under a tree and I go and sit by the side of Miss P's house. A parrot flew down to me and I looked at them.

"Polly if I remember correctly." I said and the bird nodded and I smiled.

"It's a very nice name." I said and the parrot flew and landed on my shoulder. I smiled at it and soon I felt weird.

"Oh no the tea..." I mumbled as I felt drowsy. I felt tired as my head spun and the last thing I remembered was Polly landing next to me as I flopped to my side.

*Miss Prenderghast's pov*

I gave Barberus the third his cup of tea when I started hearing soft crying. I walked over to the sound only to find a baby sitting in the river with Boat's clothes.

I immediately knew that that had to be Boat I know I was brewing a youth tea but I didn't realize it would affect them this much. I was just thinking toddlers or something but nope they are babies.

I walked over and I grabbed baby Boat and his clothes, shoes, and even underwear which I put on him. I then went to the side of my house and sure enough Inmo was also a baby. He was asleep thankfully so I gently picked him up and took him to Boat who was sucking on his thumb.

I soon went and grabbed David who made an absolute fuss about me picking him up and it woke up Inmo and upset Boat so I set him down with the two and walked out of the house with the communication lacrama. I quickly contacted Divinus Magia because I know for a fact I'm not going to be able to take these three back without help.

*Ritchie's pov*

Me and Brandon had finished paperwork and we're watching Mario train his aim when the lacrama made a sound. I walked over and picked it up and answered it.

"Hello this is Ritchie from Divinus Magia." I said

"Ah Ritchie perfect I'm going to need help with bringing back your guild members." I heard Miss P say

"Miss P? Wait what happened?" I asked and Brandon looked at me as he came over.

"Well the tea seemed to have a special affect this time and well your members are more then just toddlers." Miss P said and I looked at Brandon.

"We'll be over soon." I said and I set down the lacrama.

"Let's get going." I said and Brandon nodded as we left the guild hall and Brandon flew there while it simply took me a couple of blinks to get there.

Since I was there first I saw miss P standing close to her front door and I could already slightly hear it, crying.

"Ok we're are they?" I asked and Miss P pointed twords the door as I felt wind and I looked at Brandon.

"They haven't stopped crying since I moved David in there." Miss P said and we walked over and opened the door only to find three babies.

"Oh I see why you called us." Brandon said looking at the three.

Boat was the first to notice we were there and his crying turned into soft snuffles as I walked in and picked up David who, when he looked at me, slowly stopped crying.

Brandon went and picked up Inmo who latched onto him so Brandon was stuck with Inmo. Boat made grabby hands and Brandon picked him up as well leaving me with the task of grabbing clothes and David.

"Ah yes I knew David would calm down." Miss P said as she gave me a bag for the clothes.

"Well this certainly isn't what I had in mind for what could be on the agenda today but I'm sure it'll be fine." Brandon said and Miss P smiled and nodded

"Well we should get going." I said and Brandon nodded as we thanked miss P and left.

We didn't use our magic, so walking was our way back which is fine, but you know David isn't the easiest baby to hold. Inmo was a bit chaotic but boat was very calm. Eh I mean I'm not mad I got David I think it's kinda funny because I believe they still have their memories of us which is nice because that way we aren't absolute strangers to them.

During the boat ride I had taken David's shirt and bundled him up in it so he looked like a burrito but I made sure there was a handle on it so I basically carried him like a bag or something.

"Brother is that really how you want to carry David?" Brandon asked

"He'll be fine." I said as we walked into the guild hall.

I know for sure that Brandon was rolling his eyes behind he. I mean sure I'll let him carry David at some point but he gives me Boat he's the calmest out of all of them. I sighed as we got to our room and I set David gently on the bed and Brandon set down Inmo and Boat.

"We need to get baby stuff don't we."

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