Not a fun time

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Wanda woke up in a cell with Karlie putting something away, "Oh, you're finally awake" Karlie approached the cell, Wanda had a shock collar around her neck, Wanda's eyes flown a bit red, she stood up and tried to use her powers on the bars but got shocked, she fell to the ground as Karlie laughed at her, "Silly Wanda, you're not as smart as you look" Karlie said walking around, "You try to uses your powers you get shocked", "Why am I here?" Wanda asked, "To get to Barnes and Wil-" Wanda stood up angry, "You touch him and I will kill you" Wanda said, "While you're like that? I don't think so" Karlie said, "Okay I need to finish my mission. Jake is going to watch you" Karlie said as Jake walked in (He is a flag smasher) "Have fun" Karlie said then walked out. Wanda looked down.

Bucky, Sam and Zemo where on the jet, Bucky sat there in silence he really misses Wanda, Zemo looks at a picture of Wanda and Bucky, "You know she was just a waits of space at Hydra, she never did anything right. She's not anything special she's just the monster Hydra made her-" Zemo got interrupted by Bucky grabbing a knife and pointers it at histhroat, "Talk bad about her again and I'll kill you" Bucky said then sat back down with Zemo in shock, "You okay Buck?" Sam asked, Bucky didn't reply, Sam sighed, "Look I know you're sad but we will get her back soon" Bucky nodded, Bucky can't loose her, he loves her to much.

*Sorry this is short but the next chapter will be longer*

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