Meeting Dr. Nagle

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The four entered with a woman sitting in a chair with her back to them, "Ah Zemo, I was wondering when you would come back" She said, "Well, I got into a bit of a pickle. Dr. Nagel me and these idiots need your help" Zemo said, "Really, we are the idiots" Sam said, Zemo looked at him, "Shut up, Wilson" Zemo said, Sam put his hands up Zemo looked back at Dr. Nagel as she stood up and looked at the four, "What do you need help with?" She said looking at them, Loading a gun, Bucky sees this happen.

"We need your help with-" Zemo said as Dr. Nagel was about to shoot them, "LOOK OUT!" Bucky shouted and got Wanda out of the way, Sam and Zemo jumped out of the way, "What the hell!" Wanda said as Bucky helped her up, Soldiers stood in front of them with their guns pointed at them, "You think I would help you" She pointed to Sam, "He is the Falcon I don't help Avengers", "How did you know?" Sam asked, "Its obvious. Soldiers sort them out" She said and ran off, "I'll get her" Wanda said and was about to run after her but Bucky grabbed her hand, "You are not going alone" Bucky said, Wand sighed and kisses his cheek, "I will be fine" She said than ran off to get her, Bucky blushed and fought the Soldeirs with Sam as Zemo watched, a soldier grabbed Bucky's arm but used his other seem to punch him back. Sam punched and kicked soldiers, Sam seen a soldier hurting Bucky so Sam grabbed a gun and shot the soldier Bucky looked at Sam, "You're welcome" Sam said and continued to fight them, Bucky helped.
Wanda ran in here direction but stopped, "You know not a lot of people can sneak up on me" Wanda said then turned around to see Dr. Nagel, "So the legends are true, the Scarlet Witch does exist" She said, "Mhm, why did you do that?" Wanda asked, "Well I don't help Avengers", "I don't think I am an Avenger anymore" Wanda said, "Falcon is though" Dr, Nagel said the points a gun at Wanda, "I don't want to kill you but I will have to" Wanda said and got her powers ready, "Try me, Witch" Dr. Nagel said and pulled the trigger. Wanda used her powers to block it, "You will have to try harder than that" Wanda teased, Dr. Nagel carried on shooting her but Wanda used her powers to block them all, "This is so easy" Wanda said then kicked the gun out of Dr. Nagel's hand, "Oh come on!" Dr. Nagel said, "Fine" Dr. Nagel got out a staff and started to fight Wanda with it as Wanda used her powers to deflect her attacks and fights back.

Dr. Nagel put her staff right in front of Wanda's stomach but Wanda caught it with her powers, Dr. Nagel tried to push the staff closer to her stomach since Wanda was struggling to push it back She used her powers and flung Dr. Nagel backwards. Dr. Nagel landed onto the floor in pain since Wanda flung her hard, but she was about to get up so Wanda grabbed a gun and shot her, Dr. Nagel fell to the floor. Wanda sighed in relief then ran back to the boys.
When Wanda got there she seen Soldiers on the floor and the boys okay, she was happy to see Bucky was okay, Sam turned around and seen Wanda, "Wanda" Sam said, Bucky turned around and smiled Wanda walked up to them, "I'm glad you are all alright, well Zemo could of got hurt a bit but it's fine" Wanda said, "Wow thanks, Maximoff" Zemo glared at her, Sam seen Wanda and Bucky smiling at each other, "Me and Zemo will wait outside" Sam said and they both walked out.

"So, what did you do to Dr. Nagel?" Bucky asked, Wanda smiled "Shes gone, I don't know who will help us now though" Wanda said looking at the dead Soldiers Bucky held Wanda's hand, "We will figure it out, I promise" Bucky said, Wanda and Bucky looked at each other deeply, the next thing they new they where kissing. When they broke off Wanda and Bucky blushed and stood there for a minute, "Well that was..", "Different" Bucky finished, "Yeah. James I love y-" Wanda stopped herself and looked down, Bucky lifted up her chin and kissed her, he broke off, "I love you too, Wanda" Bucky said then smiled, Wanda smiled back. "So are we a thing now?" Wanda asked which made Bucky smile, "If you want to be" Bucky said, Wanda gave him a cheeky smile, "Of course I want to be" Wanda said then kissed him again but they broke off when they heard clapping they turned around to see Sam standing there, "Dude, how long have you been standing there?" Bucky asked, "Long enough" Sam said then smiled at the two love birds, "You both know I will be teasing you about this, right?" Sam said, they nodded Wanda noticed Zemo wasn't there, "Hey Sam, where is Zemo?" Wanda asked, "Oh he is in the jet" Sam replied, "So you left Zemo in jet. Alone. By himself?" Bucky said, Sam thought about it, "Yeah now I am thinking about it it wasn't very smart" Sam said, "You think" Wanda said, Sam looked at her, "Hey, I find that comment to be offensive" Sam said, "You're a man child" Wanda said, Sam sighed, "Come on you two love birds. Lets get back to the jet" Sam said and walked towards the Jet. Wanda and Bucky smiled at each other, they held hands and followed Sam back to the jet.

Soooooo this is what you have been waiting for. I'm not the best at writing fight scenes so sorry if it wasn't great but comment what you ! <3*

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