The last therapy session

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"Hey" The officer said, "What?!" Sam asked the officer, "Is anything wrong here?" Asked the officer, "No We're just talking" Wanda said, the officers looked at Wanda and snarled at her which made her look down, they brought their focus back to the boys, "Mr. Barnes, there's a warrant out for your arrest" The officer said, "The president pardoned him for all that", "Not for that" The officer looked at Bucky, "You missed your therapy session. It's like missing a check-in with your PO. I'm sorry, Mr. Barnes but you are under arrest" The officer said while putting handcuffs on him, as he lead Bucky into the cop car Bucky looked at Wanda, who was sad, he whispered to her, "It's okay" She smiled a bit but then quickly lost the smile. Sam and Wanda watched as the officers drove off with their friend.

Sam got a call by Buckys therepist saying that Bucky got ballied out so Sama and Wanda went to the police station where they meet Bucky's therapist, "Sam and Wanda, I have heard a lot about you two. I'm Dr. Raynor, James's therapist" She put her hand out for a hand shake so Wanda shook her hand, "So nice to meet you. Thank you for getting him out" Sam said, "That was not me" Dr. Raynor said, she pointed at a man coming down Sam and Wanda turned around "Christina. It's great to see you again" John said and Wanda got angry.

"You gotta be kidding me" Wanda said, "Nice to see you too Wanda" John said, "You know him?" Sam asked, "Yeah, we did some field ops back in the day" Said Dr. Raynor, "I heard you were working with Bucky, so I thought I’d step in. Bucky’s not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer" John said then he walked off. Dr. Raynor decided to do one last therapy session, "James we have one last session with you and Sam" Dr. Raynor said, Sam walked with them, "I’ll be outside" Wanda said but got stopped by Dr. Raynor, "You too Maximoff" She said, Wanda rolled her eyes then followed them into a room.

Dr. Raynor sat down and the trio sat opposite her, "So… Who would like to start?" Dr. Raynor asked, "All right, look, Dr. Raynor? I get it, why you want me to talk to James and" Wanda pointed to Sam "And Freaky Magoo over here. But I’m 100% fine" Wanda said, "Oh really?" Dr. Raynor asked, the trio looked confused until Raynor pulled out Wandas files Wandas eyes where wide because she hates someone talking about her past, "Wanda Maximoff you were born in Sokovia a Stark bomb killed your parents you and your twin brother Pietro joined Hydra and became the Scarlet WItch you then joined the Avenger when Pietro your last family member was shot and killed" Wanda had tears in her eyes, "Stop" She said but Raynor continued, "You then blew up a building and got tortured in the Raft, you and Vision dated but you had to kill him" Raynor said, Wanda had enough "I said stop!" Wanda said and she accidently used her powers to destroy the room a bit, Wanda was in horror of what she did that she just got up and left the room.

Bucky felt bad, "I'll go and ale sure she's alright" Bucky said and stood up, "Sit" Raynor told him, he sat back down worried about Wanda while they finish up the session.

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