Complete Opposites

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3rd person POV

Have you seen the difference between the day and night?

One is bright, while the other is dark, they are opposites of each other. 

One shines brightly while the other emits darkness, they are polar opposites.

Have you heard the phrase 'two negatives make a positive?' That phrase perfectly describes the relationship between Ayanakouji Kiyotaka and Kushida Kikyo.

One is a quiet, monotone, and expressionless while the other is one of the most popular students in the whole school.

When Kushida is alone that changes, Kushida becomes... a different person, her demeanor changes, her attitude towards her classmates change and her personality changes.

She becomes someone that would be.... despised if people were to see her true self, they would scorn her and make her suffer. They would hate for the angel to become a devil.

Now, if you had someone like Ayanakouji then... it would be different, he is.... fundamentally different from everyone else on earth, he is the incarnate of the devil itself; He would strive for someone like Kushida. He isn't an actual devil but he is.... a figurative one. He was born in a place that was hell, a white hell.

This hell, it was used for means of... making a perfect human. A perfect human is impossible, no human has been perfect. All humans have flaws, flaws that... make a human well human.

If you don't have emotions, are you really a perfect human? No, you would be a robot, a robot isn't human, it may look and act like one, but in reality... it will never be human, it won't have the same emotions, decisions and actions of a human.

If you killed a human then you would be feared, hated and put in jail to rot. A robot is different, they would be reprogrammed, scrapped, or... have a change of orders. These orders... aren't to help humans, they are used for their owners own benefit, like working, sex work, cleaning and doing really anything.

They won't care if you do something to them, they will just continue to follow orders. They have no feelings for you, no sympathy for you, no empathy for you, and no care for you. They are just a being that was made by humans to follow orders.

If you have a devil that's also a robot, what would call it? You would call it Ayanakouji Kiyotaka,  he has no emotions like a robot, he also does things perfectly like a robot, but.... he's also the devil; He has the eyes of a devil and the mind of a devil, he thinks of people as mere tools, tools that can be disposed of within a minutes notice.

He was once an angel, a angel that would emit light as bright as the sun.

Then he became... a devil. A devil that could mercilessly break you in a instant, no not break, destroy the fabric being of your existence.

He could turn you into once cheery person into someone that was... broken, broken beyond repair. He would break you then fix you piece by piece. 

A boy that could do that would be... beyond hated, he would not despised but forgotten. Being forgotten is a humans worse fear beside death, they won't realize that being forgotten is bad... until it's too late.

If you were forgotten... no one would remember you, no one would love you, and no one would care about you. They would just continue on their day not caring about you.

Not being cared about brings despair, despair causes sadness and anger, this built up anger and sadness turns into depression. It's already to late now, you can't turn back, so you.. kill yourself.



Back to the topic at hand, Ayanakouji Kiyotaka and Kushida Kikyo. Would they be complete opposites? Or would they be the same? 

They are both devils, devils in disguise. 

One is more cruel than the other, but... they still are both devils.

But... at day that's different, Kushida is a social butterfly with people looking up to her, while Ayanakouji is just a loner that has only a few friends.

So, answer me this.

Are they complete opposites or not?


This is the first chapter, this acted as a prologue. I made this chapter to get everyone's opinion on it. If you liked it, please vote and comment. If not, comment it. I thank brian744 for allowing me to rewrite his fanfic. I solemnly ask you to check out his fanfics as he is a good writer.  

I love you all (No homo) and bye

Words 745

|Signing Out|

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