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I'm in the kitchen, sitting on the counter, with my book in my hand, eating cherries from a bowl, waiting for the kettle to boil, when all of a sudden, the door barges open and a pair of drum sticks are flung in the room. One of them –as my luck would have it – fly in my direction and hits me on the cheek. "Those bastards!" Roger fumed, walking through the door, not realizing that he nearly took my fucking eye out.

"Roger, what the fuck!?" I yelled, wincing at the pain, and rubbing my cheek. Roger, however didn't even hear me, as there was practically steam coming from his ears.

He walked over to the fridge, to pull out a beer, and sit on the stool in front of me, as I rubbed my sore eye. "What happened to your eye?" he asked, confued.

"Take a wild guess" I blinked, giving him a tight-lipped, annoyed smile, as I held up his drum stick, that landed on my face. "Oh... Sorry... Here" he offered me his can of beer.

I gave him a confused look, as I eyed the beverage in his hand. "It'll stop the swelling" he smiled.

"Oh... Thanks" I accepted it and held the cold can upon my cheek. I winced at the contact it made, making Roger raise his brows. "Does it hurt badly?" he asked, guilt and concern in his voice.

"No, not that bad" I reassured.

"I'm going over to the studio to practice with the boys today, would you care to join?" he asked, grinning, from ear to ear. "I'd love to, but Vicky, Fate and I are going over to Ashley's today. And to sneak a peek of the new chap she's with" I admitted. Roger rolled his eyes, and smirked, "you lot are so nosy" he stated the obvious.

"Fate is more nosy than any of us!" I tried to excuse myself, but he just looked at me and shook his head, before popping a cherry in his mouth, and walking to the door. "Don't forget your weapons!" I called out, referring to his drum sticks. "Thanks. And get over it. You look fine now" he rolled his eyes, taking his drum sticks and making his way back to the door.

"The pain and trauma is still there though!" I called back, absent-mindingly reaching into the bowl for a cherry, only to find it's empty. "You, prick! You ate the last of the cherries!" I yelled.

"I'll get some more, while I'm out!" he yelled back, leaving the flat. "Thank you!" I called, smiling as I remembered the kettle was still on, when I started to smell something, steamy. Shit.


"We can't just walk in, unannounced! What if they're... Y'know..." Fate tried to explain. "They won't be, they're not animals, they know that we're coming over at this time" I rolled my eyes, trying to encourage the girls to just go in.

"I wouldn't chance it, Alice, last time I came around here... Well I ran out, traumatized, screaming and bawling... Still haven't recovered" Vicky shudders, slightly, over-dramatically.

I just looked at them, re-thinking about just barging in. "Okay, maybe we should just try knocking again" I shrugged. I didn't feel like walking in on people who weren't exactly decent... I've experienced too much of that, even my therapist is now going to therapy at this point.

"That's if they can even hear us, again" Fate uttered, under her breath.

"Ashley. Open your door. We're hungry and cold" I whined, banging on the door.

After a few moments, the idiotic part of my brain took over and I swung open the unlocked door. "Alice!" Fate shrieked. We walked in, superstitious, as if we were in a horror film, walking in a haunted house.

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