Chapter 1: Conflict in the Storm

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An icy wind was blowing over the Tabanta Mountains, the thick snow curtain was covering the whole region, which greatly slowed Link's climb. The young knight was to accompany the Royal Princess of Hyrule, Zelda, to Rito Village in order to talk about the divine creature Vah'Medoh to the one who seemed most fit to pilot it. According to what she explained to him, it would be a warrior named Revali, whom she would have caught training hard - or paw in this case - on a unique technique.

" - He worries me, I saw him fail one after the other and fall violently to the ground. And yet he continued in spite of the pain and his plumage that was being torn away little by little. I felt pain in his eyes and frustration, as if it was vital for him to succeed... "

The discussion had not gone any further because, seeing the violence of the storm, Link had waved to the princess to take refuge in a cave of the mountainsides while waiting for the storm to calm down. Since then he had continued the road alone to inform the guards of their situation. Unfortunately, like the snow falling on Tabanta, he soon realized that the reception would be far from warm.

POS Link

As I began to see the gates of Rito Village, something caught my attention. I also saw a squadron of Piafs flying towards me at high speed. It's strange, I thought. I don't remember hearing from the princess that the Piafs were sending an entire squadron out for simple visits. Despite the limited visibility left by the blizzard, I managed to distinguish that the group had stopped. It's not normal, I have a really bad feeling. Then suddenly, I saw three reddish glows going straight in my direction by splitting the sky. Explosive arrows! Instinctively, I managed to quickly pull out my shield to mitigate the damage caused by the explosion but the breath still pushed me back. Nevertheless, I managed to recover in time to protect myself from another salvo. The squadron had not moved at all until then, when one of them eventually detached himself from the others to come to meet me. I heard the warrior's wings flapping through the winds and finally landed a few meters from me.

"- Mmh not bad. Your reflexes aren't as bad as I expected. Are there other Yigas like you?"

The Rito who had just spoken to him wore a very dark blue plumage. Braids twirled in his wake and I felt his emerald gaze staring at me with great animosity. Although I noticed an impressive musculature under his Rito outfit adorned with two large golden shoulder pads, I could not help but notice that he was relatively small for his species. He was about the same size as me, while most Ritos are a head or two ahead of me. As he got closer, I thought back to what he had just said. Yigas like me? What's he talking about? But for now, I knew that the situation would not leave room for discussion. And anyway I couldn't say what I thought. Not with this blood. Not with this role that was meant for me...

POS Revali

Tss. He managed to block my shot, I'll have to rework that. I was annoyed by this sequence of events. A few days ago, warriors patrolling the southern mountains near the relay were ambushed by the Yiga Gang. Although the latter were few in number, they had succeeded in seriously injuring the Ritos. I had not reacted at the time because I was not to show any weakness. Revali the Rito prodigy had to remain indifferent and show that he was managing the situation. After all, I was admired and seen as the greatest of all Rito warriors, which was not to displease me. But in my heart, the fate of my comrades was boiling with rage. I told Kai to be extra careful on patrols and increase the number of Rito per squadron. And now while I was in the middle of a session at the practice area, a patrol told me that they had spotted a suspicious individual approaching the village.

Only one pitiful Yiga? What could they have in mind? Anyway, this one already seems more resistant than the others. I am surprised to see him wearing a shield. Aren't the Yigas specialized in murder? What would he do with a shield, cowards as they are? Plus he has good reflexes. After all, it may well serve as a substitute for my interrupted training.

"- You are lucky, you will perish under the blows of the great Revali!"

As I was about to take off to deliver another volley, my opponent came at me and forced me to distance myself. I managed to shoot him an arrow but he immediately stop it. I suddenly felt his blade just graze me. He is fast ! I had dodged his blow and thought I could counter-attack but he swivelled and threw me with power with a violent shield blow in the abdomen. As I was about to hit the main gate with full force I managed to take my impulse on it and take off in the air. The skies are my favorite element, this is where I will take the ascendant again! I had to find a way to catch him by surprise. At a distance it would easily stop my attacks and melee is not to my advantage either. So I pointed my bow towards the sky and unleashed my explosive arrows. They fell back on both sides of the Yiga, the goal being not to touch it directly. The breath of my arrows had lifted a very thick pile of snow all around him which made his visibility gone.

"You may be strong..." I began to exclaim, circling around him.

I ended up entering the snowy area that I had created and by skillfully dodging a sword stroke that I had foreshadowed, I was getting ready to strike the final blow.

"- ... you won't go any further!"

As my arrow was about to go and my opponent turned around, about to try to cut my blow clean with his sword, someone interrupted us shouting:

" - No, stop it! "

I stopped my shot by firing not far from there and recovered on my feet of an elegant rear roll. My opponent had to stop his blade brutally. We returned to the source of the scream and I was surprised to see the person in question out of breath and all red under his cloak. She was the Royal Princess of Hyrule, Zelda. What's going on? What's she doing here?

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