Visit Velzard

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With Velzard

As soon as the aura stops i was finally able to stand so was guy and the others

Guy: " What was that?" I then feel something cutting through space from here more like teleport

Velzard: " Guy what ever you do don't do anything stupid they're coming"

Guy: " Who?"

Velzard: " My parents"

Guy: " What!!!?? You mean you and your sibling's have a parent?"

Velzard: " yes and i suggest you behave cause they are stronger than all of us combine"

Rimuru: " My sweet Ice Princess"

Velzard: " Papa" Velzards attitude quickly changed she was now like a little girl who wants to be pampered by her parents

Rimuru: " I am so sorry you three had to suffer when Veldanava died"

Velzard: " It's ok Papa, uhm Papa where is Mama?"

Rimuru: " she is right there" Rimuru Pointed and she saw guy was pinned to the wall by Ciel

Ciel: " If you ever think of touching my daughter with your dirty hands then i will kill you the worst possible way that i can"

Velzard: " Mama, Guy is just my partner nothing more"

Ciel then drops guy to the ground who was panting for air

Guy: ' I need to leave or i will be killed'

Guy then left the room with Misery and Rain

Velzard: " I missed you guys so much" Velzard hugs both of his parents as they hugged her back as well

Rimuru: " Why is it that all of you are separated?"

Velzard: " Right after Veldanava-nii died Veldora didn't want to listen to me and Velgrynd just went on her own and i deicded to live with Guy cause he was the only one who can match up to me"

Rimuru: " Well that will be no more as i am planning to revive Veldanava along with his Wife, tell me was he happy?"

Velzard: " Yes he was very happy with his family"

Rimuru: " do you want to come with us were going to get your sister, your brother and also my granddaughter" Velzard didn't waste any second to answer

Velzard: " Yes i will go with Mama and Papa" both Ciel and Rimuru smiles as they were now reuniting with their children

Velzard: " Guy i am leaving with my parents and don't worry i already put a spell on the continent so it won't melt

Guy: " Thank you and goodluck"

Rimuru, Ciel and Velzard then flew off to Veldora's cave as it was the closest to them

Meanwhile with Veldora

Veldora: " When will Mama and Papa get me i felt them earlier do they not want me anymore" Veldroa sulk in the family he was always the playful one always wants to play With his older brother and father and gets spoiled a lot by Rimuru that's why he turned out the way he is

Veldora: " They're coming close wait are they with Velzard-nee" Veldroa then paled as the past he was always being educated by Velzard

Rimuru: " Veldora"

Veldora: " Papa!!!" Veldora turned into his human form and starts to ran to them forgetting the barrier

Veldora: " Ouch!!!" Vledora hits the barrier making the cave shake

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