Chapter 2

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At Green Hills in the morning, Sonic races across a large bridge. He passes a large sign reading "Welcome to Green Hills. the little city with big heart. pop: 1981, elev. 3445 ft" as Wade was in a police car holding a speed watches while Sonic zooms past.

"Morning, Wade!" Sonic greeted.

"Morning, Sonic!" Wade smiled.

Sonic zooms past Wade and races up a mountain and stops at a small rocky ledge overlooking Green Hills.

"Good morning, Green Hills!" Sonic shouted.

Sonic races down the mountain and runs toward the Wachowski house and races up the roof and stops. He looks through the window before slowly entering his room, back-flipping in the process. The impact almost tips a bowling pin off a table, but Sonic grabs it before it hits the ground. Sonic then slowly puts it on the floor, not making any noise, and tip-toes to his bed. Each step he takes makes an inconvenient squeaky floor board sound, making him stop.

"Ah, come on!" Sonic complained, before he grabs something off the bottom of his shoe and sees that it is a few dirty banknotes. "Uh oh."

Sonic frantically looks around, eying his cupboard with a "keep out" sticker on it. He opens it up and puts the banknotes in it. he then gets out his bag of Rings and closes it up. He gets out the world map and opens it up, only for a feather to slide out. Sonic gasps as the feather gently floats to the floor and picks it up, remembering the feather belonging to Longclaw. Sonic then has a flashback as he remembers when he was little and giving a flower to her before being sent to Earth, her voice saying his name as an echo.

"I miss you, Longclaw. I'm trying to make you proud." Sonic smiled, sadly.

He puts the feather back on the map and closes it up before putting it back in his pouch, zipping it up. He then puts the pouch on the desk top before getting in bed.

"And now for a little shut eye." Sonic yawned.

Just as Sonic falls asleep, Ozzy comes up to him and licks his face, waking Sonic back up.

"Ugh! Blegh! Ozzie, morning breath!" Sonic complained.

He covers himself in his bed covers, just as Maddie comes in with a hamper of laundry.

"Sonic! You're still in bed?" Maddie asked. "You're supposed to meet Tom remember?"

Ozzy yanks the covers off an exhausted Sonic, as he flops face first to the floor.

"Alright! Alright, I'm up. I'm up..." Sonic said.


At Lake, Montana day, Sonic and Tom are in a rowboat in the middle of a lake, fishing.

"Ahh, what a day." Tom sighed. "Thanks for coming out, bud. You know, I feel like you and me, we haven't had much time together lately."

Tom doesn't hear anything from Sonic.

"How's it going over there?" Tom asked. "Did you get any bites?"

Sonic reveals to be snoring asleep with a bit of drool coming out of his mouth. Tom bends over, rocking the boat and making Sonic fall into the water. Falling into the water and getting wet makes him wake up.

"Ahh! I can't swim!" Sonic exclaimed. "Help! If I die, don't look in my closet!"

Tom bends over and fishes Sonic out. Tom then proceeds to get a blanket and wraps it around Sonic.

"Hey, hey. You're good!" Tom said. "Take it easy. But, now that you've had a nap and a bath--"

From last night in Sonic's room, Tom came upstairs.

The Blue Blur and Art Girl (Sonic 2 Adoptive Older Sister Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant