Chapter 7.

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Robin's Pov.

Finney was finally asleep after crying for a while. It had also become dark outside indicating it was night. I wasn’t very tired since I had recently slept which was good because it meant I could make sure Finney didn’t get disturbed by the grabber again. I really hoped we could dig to the other side before it was too late.

As I thought of more ways we could get out while watching Finney from the corner of my eye I realized one thing we had yet to try…Ventilation systems. Due to my uncle working around he had a wide variety of skills and one thing I knew was that every basement had a ventilation system to prevent moisture. (Googled facts but it’s true in most cases. In Case any of y'all get kidnapped.) I immediately started searching for any out of place paint on the wall that may be covering a vent. Just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

The only problem with this plan is that most vents are placed up high and have limited space. Luckily me and Finney are fairly small so we should be able to fit, though we won’t know until we find the vent.

As I look around towards the bathroom area I see some chipped paint and what looked like screws in the ceiling. “Bingo!” I spoke quietly to prevent Finney from noticing. This was something I would tell him later when he wasn’t so out of it.
One thing I noticed immediately is that if this was the vent it was in a perfect reaching place. It was in the corner near the toilet so we’d be able to use the toilet to reach it. I climbed up the urinal and started chipping away to see if I could find gaps that would indicate a vent. As I was doing so a huge part stripped off and I could feel a slight breeze. This was it! This was the vent we needed! As I continued to strip away I didn’t realize a certain someone had woken up.

“What are you doing?” I pulled back fast, causing me to slip and fall on the leftover rugs by the ground. Hitting my elbow harshly against the cement.

“Oww.” I winced in pain as I looked over my arm.

“Oh my god! Are you ok? I’m so sorry!” I look to see Finney surveying my body to see if I was injured anywhere. Luckily my elbow was the only thing I hit hard and it was fine just soar from the impact of hitting the floor.

“Ouch. I’m alright Finney, you just scared me. I thought you were the grabber.” I wasn’t gonna lie. I really thought he was the grabber for a second before his voice registered in my head. I sat up for a bit before deciding on explaining what I was doing.

~Time skip to after explanation.~

“So you were trying to find a vent to get us out, which is above the toilet?” Finney sounded calm yet surprised.

“Yes. I remembered  some stuff my uncle told me a while back and that's how I got the idea to look for a vent. Not too sure it’ll work though. There’s a lot of if’s and whats.” We were now standing in the bathroom trying to figure out if we should continue clearing the paint or just focus on the whole we had yet to finish digging.

“Ok. It does sound like a good idea, but what are some of the downsides to it?” I knew he just wanted to get out of this Hell. I did too.

“Some issues could be that the vent is too small for us to fit in, or that the tunnels won’t lead us directly out which wouldn’t be much of a benefit if the grabbers home when that happens.” Finney looked down sadly. “But don’t worry. We now have two plans to get out! And if the vent is too small then we still have our original idea!” He looked upwards while smiling but I could tell it was fake. I held his hand in mine as I stared into his gorgeous eyes. “It’s alright. We're gonna get out of this. Together!”

We came up with a plan where Finney would dig in the ground while I worked on chipping the paint to get the grille off. I would sometimes help him dig while he’d help me hide the paint flecks that fell on the ground. We did this all day until the giant door opened and me and Finney sprinted back to the single mattress. I saw Finney trying to dust his dirty hands off while I stood next to him by the wall.

“Hi! Seems like you guys could use a bath huh?” The grabber attempted to step closer to us but I quickly stepped in front of Finney. The grabber stopped as he just stared at us for a while. “Hmm.” The only noise he made was a quiet hum, like he was thinking. Then he turned around and left.

“That was… weird.” I looked at Finney who nodded his head in agreement, but then all of a sudden his eyes bulged wide.

“Robin! He left the door unlocked.” I snapped my head to the door and saw it really was unlocked. It was mostly closed to give off the impression it was shut but the slight shadow by the edge told differently.

Finney soon started approaching the door and I followed suit.

“Wait!” I looked to Finney to see him staring at the small gap from the door and the wall. “We shouldn’t go out. It feels too easy.” I started realizing he was right.

“You don’t think it’s a-” He cut me off.

“Trap? Yes. It doesn’t feel right… He’s been doing this too long to make a mistake like forgetting to shut the door all the way.” I could tell Finney was right. It sent chills up my spine knowing the grabber must want us to come up those stairs. It terrified me to no end, imagining all the things he’d do to us if we walked out that door. Before my mind wondered further I felt a hand grab mine pulling me to the mattress. Finney had sat me down while he proceeded to lay his head on my lap, shutting his eyes.

“Goodnight Robin.” I felt Finney relax as he curled into himself yet again. I sat for a while before my eyes soon closed as well allowing me a moment of peace before I'd have to wake up again.

“Goodnight, amor.”

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