𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣

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Chapter OneTraining Session(S1, Ep 0)

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Chapter One
Training Session
(S1, Ep 0)

It was almost the end of summer vacation. I was currently training with my brother Sky and my best friend Brandon while his little brother lucas was silently observing.

Brandon and lucas were mine and sky's squires they grew up with us. Although everyone believed outside the kingdom that Brandon was actually prince sky, and that sky was Brandon, it was a very complicated situation, but I couldn't really blame them. Sky wanted to know what it was like being normal with no royal title while Brandon wanted to impress Stella. They've had a thing going since the beginning of the summer when I finally introduced the two.

Stella hasn't come over as often since my training started which Stella didn't like but of course sadly she had no say and neither did I. If it's what my father wanted, he got it he's the king after all.

They've been training  for the past hour, and I was over it. "I don't understand why I need to train with a sword. I have my magic." I tightened my grip on the sword handle as mine and sky's swords clashed together.

"Father said you needed to learn." Sky said shortly. His moves were fast and strong. I stumbled to keep up.

"Besides, isn't this fun?" Brandon taunted joining in on the fun. Since Brandon joined in the fight was split three ways thankfully sky loosened up on me and Brandon was his main focus while his focus was on me. Frankly, I was just trying to keep up with the two.

"I don't think she's having much fun."Lucas answered for me. Lucas was a good fighter, him and sky came pretty close since Brandon and Sky practiced together outside of class all the time. Besides he had to be there under my father's order his main focus was to protect the young princess.

I dodged one of Brandon's attacks kicking him in the gut before I tried to land a hit on sky but failing. I started growing tired, causing my movements  to slow down before sky was able to grab my arm and flip me over. My back started to ache as I let out a groan. Lucas immediately came over to me.

"You okay?" I looked at him incredulously, "Yeah I'm good I just got the wind knocked out of me but yeah I'm good." I smiled at him; my response made him roll his eyes but give his hand out for me to grab which I did.

"I suck." I turned to look at the other two boys, shook his head and said, "You're learning."

"Besides you should have seen sky when he was first learning you only started training this summer give yourself a break." Brandon's assured me.

"Honestly I'm starting to get confused on who you're talking about." Brandon looked at me confused not understanding what I was talking about.


"Well considering you and sky have switched I'm starting to get confused on who's the prince and who's the squire" They both rolled their eyes, "look we know you disagree-"

"Disagree? I hate it, because it means I have to lie to Stella," I cut him off looking at him intently, "besides the truth will come out."

They both sighed knowing I was right, "just give this a chance," Sky begged, "Yeah maybe she'll go easy on you."

"Fat chance."

Sky rolled his eyes, "that's enough for today."

I looked at him confusedly," We're going back to school tomorrow, we can't take breaks."

"I thought you just said you sucked." I elbowed Lucas hard for his comment, "ow!"

"That's why I need to get better." I looked at sky, "please,"

"Not gonna work this time, besides don't you have plans with Stella," Sky shook his head leaving the training areas. Brandon shrugged before following after him.

My eyes widened before realizing I forgot, "she'll kill you if you're late." Brandon laughed.

I nodded my head before jogging out of the training room.

Lucas eyes never left her figure as she ran out while Brandon and Sky looked at him in amusement.

"you're staring," Brandon told his brother with a teasing smile while Sky laughed.

"Shut up bro," Lucas knocked out of his trance, "why haven't you just told her how you felt." Sky walked up to him putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm her squire, I'm supposed to be protecting her, not dating her. Besides she been arranged to someone else."

"So, you admit you like her."

"Brandon, I swear-"

"What's your fascination with earth anyways?" Stella questioned me as we were walking down different streets moving towards a park.

I shook my head, "I don't know,"

"You dragged me here for an I don't know." Stella held an annoyed look making me give a similar expression back, "I'm just drawn here I don't know why."

"Is that really all?" Stella asked kindly, stopping in front of us. I sighed knowing that she would know I was lying. "This area was in my dreams."


"We were fighting with the trix's goons when a girl came and saved us, and I don't know I guess I felt drawn to her."

"You're going crazy," I frowned at her response. I knew she didn't mean it in the way it sounded but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. Especially when I genuinely feel like I am.

I looked over her shoulder to see a familiar ogre staring at us. He smirked when realizing he caught my attention before turning going further into the forest. The wind blew harder making both our hair move. If knutt was here that would mean he got orders from icy.

what did she want now.

I nodded my head in their direction, "knut is here."

Stella hummed, "thought we would have smelled him." We shared a look before running into the forest.

Our run slowed down to a walk as we kept glancing at the sides. Until something grabbed onto my foot. It pulled against my ankle making me fall to the ground besides stella who let out a yelp, looking at the ugly creature.

I screamed and kicked the creature away. Stella blasted it, destroying it. We looked at our surroundings noticing we were surrounded.

"We had to go to earth didn't we, Cyra." Stella told me sarcastically, making me roll my eyes as I gained deja vu,

𝙁𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙮 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚 - 𝙒𝙞𝙣𝙭 𝘾𝙡𝙪𝙗Where stories live. Discover now